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Climate Change

Voluntary Energy and Climate Programs

EPA has developed many programs and projects that partner with industry and others to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. EPA plays a significant role in these partnerships, providing technical expertise and encouraging voluntary reductions from the private sector.

Partnering With Industry

Center for Corporate Climate Leadership
EPA's Center for Corporate Climate Leadership serves as a resource center for all companies looking to expand their work in the area of greenhouse gas measurement and management.

Combined Heat and Power Partnership
The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Partnership is a voluntary program to reduce the environmental impact of power generation by promoting the use of CHP, which is an efficient, clean and reliable approach to generating power and thermal energy from a single fuel source.

ENERGY STAR is a joint program of EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy, helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

Greenchill is a voluntary partnership between EPA and the supermarket and refrigeration industry to promote green technologies, strategies, and practices that protect the stratospheric ozone layer, reduce greenhouse gases, and save money.

Green Power Partnership
The Green Power Partnership is a voluntary partnership between EPA and organizations that are interested in using green power, which is electricity produced from a subset of renewable resources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and low-impact hydropower.

High Global Warming Potential Gases Voluntary Programs
The high global warming potential partnership programs are a set of voluntary industry partnerships that are substantially reducing U.S. emissions of potent greenhouse gases.

Methane Reduction Voluntary Programs
EPA's voluntary methane (CH4) partnership programs work with U.S. industries, along with state and local governments, to promote profitable opportunities for reducing emissions of CH4.

Transportation and Air Quality Voluntary Programs
Transportation and Air Quality voluntary programs aim to reduce pollution and improve air quality by means of forming partnerships with small and large businesses, citizen groups, industry, manufacturers, trade associations, and state and local governments.

Responsible Appliance Disposal Program
EPA's Responsible Appliance Disposal Program is a voluntary partnership program established to help protect the ozone layer and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by recovering ozone-depleting chemicals from old refrigerators, freezers, window air conditioners, and dehumidifiers.

WasteWise is a voluntary EPA program through which organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste and select industrial wastes, benefiting their bottom line and reducing the amount of waste deposited in landfills and greenhouse gas emissions.

WaterSense is an EPA partnership program that seeks to protect the future of our nation's water supply by offering people a simple way to use less water with water-efficient products, new homes, and services--reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

Partnering With the Public Sector

EPA partners with states, tribes, localities, and resource managers to encourage smart growth, sustainable planning, clean energy, and preparation for climate change.

Clean Energy-Environment State Partnership
The Clean Energy-Environment State Partnership Program is a voluntary state-federal partnership that encourages states to develop and implement cost-effective clean energy and environmental strategies.

Climate Ready Water Utilities
EPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities initiative provides resources for the water sector to adapt to climate change by promoting a clear understanding of climate science and adaptation options and by promoting consideration of integrated water resources management planning in the water sector.

Climate Ready Estuaries
The Climate Ready Estuaries program works with the National Estuary programs to help coastal managers assess climate change vulnerabilities, implement adaptation strategies, educate stakeholders, and share lessons learned.

Sustainable Communities
The Partnership for Sustainable Communities, involving the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Transportation, and EPA, works to create communities that have a variety of housing and transportation choices, with destinations close to home, in order to lower transportation costs, reduce air pollution and stormwater runoff, and provide many other benefits.

The Smart Growth Program has resources to help tribes, states, regions, local governments, and the private sector build in ways that bring multiple environmental, economic, health, and social benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change.

Basic Information Greenhouse Gas Emissions Science What EPA is Doing What You Can Do
blank Overview of Gases Overview Evaluating Policy Options, Costs, and Benefits At Home
Newsroom Sources of Emissions Causes of Climate Change Regulatory Initiatives On the Road
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