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Importing and Exporting Pesticides and Devices

EPA regulates pesticides under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). FIFRA section 17 Exit governs the import of pesticides and devices into, and the export of pesticides and devices from, the United States. 

  • Exportation of Pesticides and Devices

    All registered pesticides which are exported to other countries must bear the product label approved by EPA.

    Pesticides intended solely for export are not required to be registered provided that the exporter:

    • Obtains and submits to EPA, prior to export, a statement from the foreign purchaser acknowledging (known as a FPAS) that the purchaser is aware that the product is not registered in the United States and cannot be sold for use there. EPA sends these statements to the government of the importing country.
    • Must be labeled "Not Registered for Use in the United States"
    • Meet certain minimal labeling requirements, and must have certain labeling language in English and in the language(s) of the imported country(ies)
    • Comply with FIFRA establishment registration and production reporting requirements

    Some unregistered pesticides that are exported have been banned or severely restricted in the United States. Many of these pesticides are also banned or severely restricted through the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Exit Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade. The US is a signatory, but not a Party, to the Rotterdam Convention.

  • Importation of Pesticides and Devices

    All pesticides and devices imported into the United States must:

    The importer must:
    • Notify EPA of the arrival of imported pesticides and devices through the Notice of Arrival (NOA) form (EPA Form 3540-1) prior to importation
    • Submit the form to the EPA regional office (attention of the Import Coordinator) applicable to the intended port of entry

    Note: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations prohibit the importation of pesticides without a completed Notice of Arrival (NOA). The NOA indicates the identity and amount of the product, the arrival date, and where the product can be inspected. The EPA-reviewed and signed form is returned to the importer for presentation to CBP's district director at the port of entry. After arrival, EPA may inspect the shipment for compliance with U.S. pesticide laws.

  • Importing and Exporting Foods Containing Pesticide Residues

    EPA sets limits on how much of a pesticide residue can remain on food and feed products, or commodities. These pesticide residue limits are known as tolerances. Tolerances are set to protect you from harmful levels of pesticides on your food.

    Learn about how to find tolerance information.

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    EPA has further information on international pesticide activities.