In the spotlight

Appointment of the new Executive Secretary

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions is pleased to announce that the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon,  has recently appointed Dr. Rolph Payet,  Minister for Environment and Energy, Seychelles, as its new Executive Secretary.

Dr. Payet has a Doctorate in Environmental Science, degrees at master level in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Business Administration (MBA) and Applied Environmental Economics, and an honours degree in Biochemistry.

Appointment of the new Executive Secretary

Appointment of the new Executive Secretary

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions is pleased to announce that the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, has recently appointed Dr. Rolph Payet, Minister for Environment and Energy, Seychelles, as its new Executive Secretary.

Dr. Payet has a Doctorate in Environmental Science, degrees at master level in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Business Administration (MBA) and Applied Environmental Economics, and an honours degree in Biochemistry.

In addition to having been the Seychelles’ Chief Negotiator for the Basel Convention, the Montreal Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Dr. Payet also established important multi-stakeholder platforms, such as the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) and and co-chaired the International Coral Reef Initiative. He was Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third and Fourth Assessments and was elected as Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS) in 2007, in recognition of his contributions to marine research. He established the first university in Seychelles in 2009, and is its present ProChancellor. He also holds an associate professorship at the University of Linnaeus in Sweden.

Dr. Payet will take up his new duties in Geneva on 6 October 2014.


Calendar of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions


Call for applications by 31 December 2014.

Download the communication and application form

Consultancy announcement: illegal traffic and trade

Invitations sent for 2015 triple COPs

Invitations sent for 2015 triple COPs

Provisional agendas, information for delegates, registration information, and Science Fair details now available on the Synergies website.

Invitations sent for 2015 triple COPs

Invitations sent for 2015 triple COPs
Science Fair will accompany the COPs, Geneva, 7-9th May, 2015

Science Fair will accompany the COPs, Geneva, 7-9th May, 2015

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions is pleased to announce it will stage a Science Fair, reflecting the COP Theme of “From Science to Action: Working for a Safer Tomorrow, from 7-9th May, 2015.

Science Fair will accompany the COPs, Geneva, 7-9th May, 2015

Science Fair will accompany the COPs, Geneva, 7-9th May, 2015
Webinars to focus on 2015 COPs, Endosulfan, E-waste, National Reporting, and NIP updating

Webinars to focus on 2015 COPs, Endosulfan, E-waste, National Reporting, and NIP updating

Sign up now to take advantage of opportunities to learn more about these key subjects.

Webinars to focus on 2015 COPs, Endosulfan, E-waste, National Reporting, and NIP updating

Webinars to focus on 2015 COPs, Endosulfan, E-waste, National Reporting, and NIP updating
PIC Circular now available

PIC Circular now available

PIC Circular XL December 2014 is now available.

PIC Circular now available

PIC Circular now available

Rotterdam Convention News

Briefing on Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions COPs in 2015

The online briefings aim at providing parties, observers and other stakeholders with an overview of the issues that will be discussed during the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, to be held in Geneva, from 4-15 May 2015.

Briefing on Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions COPs in 2015

Briefing on Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions COPs in 2015
Growing Coffee without Endosulfan: experiences with biopesticides for managing Coffee Berry Borer (CBB)

This is the second of three webinars looking at Integrated Pest Management practices to control the important Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) pest, as an alternative to using the highly hazardous pesticide Endosulfan. This webinar aims to share practical experiences of coffee farmers, in managing CBB with biopesticides.

Growing Coffee without Endosulfan: experiences with biopesticides for managing Coffee Berry Borer (CBB)

Growing Coffee without Endosulfan: experiences with biopesticides for managing Coffee Berry Borer (CBB)
Bureaux approve the schedule of work for the 2015 COPs

At their joint meeting on 11-12 November, the bureaux successfully laid foundations for the forthcoming COPs. A draft version of the schedule is now available.

Bureaux approve the schedule of work for the 2015 COPs

Bureaux approve the schedule of work for the 2015 COPs
Preparations intensify for triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, May 2015
Parties have been officially informed of the back-to-back meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs to be held in Geneva, 4-15 May 2015.

Preparations intensify for triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, May 2015

Preparations intensify for triple conferences of the parties (COPs): Geneva, May 2015
Parties have been officially informed of the back-to-back meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs to be held in Geneva, 4-15 May 2015.
Joint meeting of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs

The bureaux will meet from 11 to 12 November 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss preparations for the 2015 COPs.

Joint meeting of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs

Joint meeting of the bureaux of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions COPs

The bureaux will meet from 11 to 12 November 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss preparations for the 2015 COPs.

The October  issue of the BRS Technical Assistance Newsletter is now available
The Technical Assistance Newsletter provides information on the past, current and upcoming technical assistance activities.

The October issue of the BRS Technical Assistance Newsletter is now available

The October  issue of the BRS Technical Assistance Newsletter is now available
The Technical Assistance Newsletter provides information on the past, current and upcoming technical assistance activities.
First e-learning tool launched to prevent illegal trade in hazardous chemicals and waste

INTERPOL and the BRS Secretariat launch e-learning module to help law enforcement officers identify and prevent illegal trade in hazardous chemicals and wastes.

First e-learning tool launched to prevent illegal trade in hazardous chemicals and waste

First e-learning tool launched to prevent illegal trade in hazardous chemicals and waste
Georgia submits record number of import responses for all Annex III pesticides

Georgia has recently submitted import responses for all pesticides listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention.

Georgia submits record number of import responses for all Annex III pesticides

Georgia submits record number of import responses for all Annex III pesticides

Georgia has recently submitted import responses for all pesticides listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention.

This submission follows Georgia’s participation as one of 10 countries in a workshop that took place from 7 to 11 of July 2014 in Tbilisi, Georgia, and convened under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Union (EU) partnership project “Improved pesticides and chemicals management in the former Soviet Union”. Implementing partners include Blacksmith Institute, Green Cross Belarus and Switzerland, Milieukontakt International, the International HCH and Pesticide Association, Pesticide Action Network UK, and the Secretariat of Rotterdam Convention.

“This is a meaningful step by Georgia in satisfying its obligations under the Rotterdam Convention and we encourage other Parties that have not done so, to submit import responses” Christine Fuell, Senior Technical Officer responsible for the FAO part of the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat said. “With this national decision a country decides to either consent to imports of a specific hazardous chemical or pesticide as listed in Annex III of the convention, not to consent to import or to consent subject to specified conditions.”

Exporting Parties shall take appropriate legislative or administrative measures to ensure that exporters within their territories comply with the decisions in each import response provided by Georgia. They shall also advise and assist importing Parties, upon request and as appropriate to obtain further information to help them to take action and to strengthen their capacities and capabilities to manage chemicals safely during their life-cycle. All this reduces considerably the risk posed by hazardous chemicals and pesticides through appropriate knowledge and information exchange.

If a final decision cannot (yet) be taken, a country should at least submit an interim response, including an interim decision to import or not to import, a statement that a final decision is under consideration, a request for further information and/or a request for assistance in evaluating the chemical.

Parties that have not yet submitted import responses for all annexed chemicals may wish to contact the secretariat or communicate with other Designated National Authorities from countries like Georgia for guidance. Information relevant to import responses including the form for submission can be found on the website of the convention.

The Secretariat is now looking forward to receiving import responses for the listed industrial chemicals as well as notifications of final regulatory action from Georgia. Notifications of final regulatory action are the means by which Parties inform the Secretariat of their national actions to ban or severely restrict a chemical for human health and environmental reasons.

Georgia ratified the Rotterdam Convention and became a Party on 27 February 2007.

Tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee to be held in Rome in October 2014

The tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC-10) will be held from 22 to 24 October 2014 in Rome, Italy.

Tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee to be held in Rome in October 2014

Tenth meeting of the Chemical Review Committee to be held in Rome in October 2014
3rd Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee attracts new members

Orientation workshop attended by 24 CRC members took place from 19 to 21 May 2014 in Rome, Italy.

3rd Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee attracts new members

3rd Orientation workshop for members of the Chemical Review Committee attracts new members

The new term for 17 members of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC) under the Rotterdam Convention started on 1 May 2014. To familiarize new members with the mandate and tasks of the Committee, an orientation workshop took place from 19 to 21 May in Rome, Italy. The workshop was attended by 24 of the 31 CRC members.

The participants reviewed working procedures and policy guidance developed to facilitate the work of the Committee, and examined in detail the work of the intersessional task groups for the preliminary review of candidate chemicals as well as that of the drafting groups established to prepare decision guidance documents. The meeting provided an opportunity to foster working relationships among the members and for the existing members to share their experience with the new members.

Participants expressed their appreciation and were optimistic that the orientation would contribute to the effective operation of the Committee.