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Endangered Species

Endangered Species: Information For Pesticide Users

EPA has created Web pages with information to help pesticide users. 

The Tips for Reducing Pesticide Impacts on Wildlife Web page provides tips for:

  • household pesticide users,
  • farmers, and
  • certified pesticide applicators,

as well as additional resources for reducing pesticide effects on wildlife. 

The About Anticoagulant Rodenticides Web page provides information on:

  • how anticoagulant prairie dog baits can affect non-target organisms;
  • how certified applicators can use products such as Rozol and Kaput-D while minimizing exposure risks to listed and non-target species;
  • information on mitigation measures that can be employed before and after application; 
  • EPA’s Certified Applicator Training for Anticoagulant Rodenticides; and
  • Carcass Search and Recovery Guidelines

Pesticide users can find requirements that apply in specific areas due to concerns about potential harm to endangered species in several sources: