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Quarterly Environmental Justice Outreach Teleconference


EPA has made Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice one of its top priorities. In support of this priority, we invite environmental justice advocates to participate on our Quarterly Environmental Justice Community Outreach Calls.

The purpose of these calls is to provide information to participants about the Agency’s EJ activities and maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates. As EPA continues to advance Plan EJ 2014, the Agency hopes these calls will better inform the public about EPA’s EJ work and enhance opportunities to take advantage of federal activities.

Previous Calls

Date Transcripts Multimedia
September 20, 2012 September 2012 Transcript (PDF) (13 pp, 54K) September 2012 Audio
May 16, 2012 May 2012 Transcript (PDF) (18 pp, 61K) May 2012 Audio
January 19, 2012 January 2012 Transcript (PDF) (22 pp, 82K) January 2012 Audio
October 6, 2011 October 2011 Transcript (PDF) (28 pp, 108K) October 2011 Audio
May 19, 2011 May 2011 Transcript (PDF) (28 pp, 108K) May 2011 Audio
February 17, 2011 February 2011 Transcript (PDF) (27 pp, 88K) February 2011 Audio
November 4, 2010 November 2010 Transcript (PDF) (24 pp, 83K) November 2010 Audio

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