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Patented EPA Technologies Available for Licensing

06/21/06 Hydraulic Hybrid
Former EPA Administrator Steve Johnson steps out of a UPS truck that is powered by EPA’s patented hydraulic hybrid technology.

EPA negotiates licenses with qualified businesses and individuals that want to commercialize inventions resulting from EPA research. Interested parties can apply for a license by completing EPA's license application and submitting it to the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) staff.

Licensing Involves:

  • Royalty payments to EPA
  • Submission of annual sales reports
  • Up-front payment

EPA retains incoming royalties associated with licenses.  The royalties are shared among the EPA laboratory or office where the invention originated and the individual inventor(s).

Patented EPA Technologies Available for Licensing

EPA’s Patent Catalog: From Bench to Backyard: View more detailed information on a handful of highlighted patents.