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Indoor airPLUS Technical Guidance
Technical guidance supporting the Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications has now been added to DOE's Building America Solution Center. Exit
Now home builders will have an easier time making sure a home’s indoor environment is healthier with a new interactive Indoor airPLUS program checklist recently added to the Building America Solution Center. The new Indoor airPLUS technical content connects users to:
- “how-to guides”,
- scopes of work,
- climate-specific recommendations,
- relevant codes and standards,
- research articles,
- CAD files, and
- related photographs and videos.
EPA’s Indoor airPLUS program encourages builders to use construction techniques and technologies that can improve the indoor air quality of their homes. Check out the Building America Solution Center to access the checklist or any of the hundreds of high-performance residential construction topics, including air sealing and insulation, HVAC components, windows, and much more!