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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

2014 TRI Preliminary Dataset

The 2014 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) preliminary dataset contains the most current TRI data available on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities that occurred at facilities during the 2014 calendar year.

The TRI Program provides this dataset annually each July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the publication of the TRI National Analysis report in January.

You can use the TRI preliminary dataset to:

  • Determine if a particular facility has reported.
  • Determine what chemicals a particular facility is using and releasing into the environment, or otherwise managing as waste.
  • Find out if a particular facility initiated any pollution prevention activities in the most recent calendar year.
  • Begin conducting research into toxic chemical releases across the United States or in a specific geographical area.

Is the 2014 preliminary dataset complete?

Yes, the dataset is now complete. The complete dataset will be the basis for the 2014 TRI National Analysis report, planned for publication in January 2016.

Did EPA collect any different TRI data for the 2014 reporting year?

Yes. This was the first year that ortho-nitrotoluene was subject to TRI reporting requirements. Additionally, several new data elements were added to the TRI reporting form via the most recent TRI Information Collection Request.

Can I access pollution prevention (P2) information reported to TRI in 2014?

P2 data reported by TRI facilities for 2014 can be found using the TRI P2 Search Tool, and in the Envirofacts searches and downloadable data files accessible from the tabs above. 

When will the 2014 TRI data be available in the other online TRI tools, such as TRI Explorer and myRTK?

2014 TRI data are now available in TRI Explorer. The myRTK tool will be updated later in the year. 

Does the absence of 2014 data for a particular facility mean that the facility is out of compliance with TRI requirements?

No, the absence of 2014 data for a facility is not necessarily an indication that the facility is out of compliance. The facility's TRI forms may still be undergoing processing, or the facility may not have met TRI reporting thresholds and therefore wasn't required to report for 2014. As in every reporting year, EPA undertakes a number of activities to identify facilities that are not compliant with TRI reporting requirements, and to verify the quality of the data received. This process is ongoing. When necessary, EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance may take action. Compliance resources include inspectors and attorneys in each of EPA's ten regional offices and at EPA Headquarters.

Have any data quality checks been performed on the data?

The majority of the 2014 TRI data were submitted by facilities using the TRI-MEweb online reporting application, which includes a number of automated data quality checks. We are now in the process of conducting more detailed data quality checks. If data quality errors are detected (by EPA or the facility) in a facility's original 2014 TRI submission, the facility is expected to submit a revised 2014 reporting form.

Get 2014 Data with Envirofacts

TRI Search - View TRI facility-level data.
TRI Form R Search - Review TRI information submitted on the Reporting Form R.
TRI Form R and Form A Download - Select and download data elements from the Reporting Form R and A.
TRI EZ Search - Create a report on a single subject area (e.g., "discharges to water") using a limited set of TRI data elements.
TRI Customized Search - Create a report on multiple subject areas using the most comprehensive set of TRI data elements.

Example Search Using Envirofacts

2014 TRI data are available through the five Envirofacts search queries listed above. The Envirofacts website has more information about how to use each search option. Below is an example that uses the primary Envirofacts TRI search to find 2014 data.

Question: The ABC Plastics Corporation is located within one mile of my house. What toxic chemicals is this facility releasing into the environment?

Method: Use the Envirofacts TRI Search (listed first in the column above)

1. Enter your zip code or city/county and state in the "geography search" section and click "search" at the bottom of the page.

2. On the results page, look at the "facility name" column of the results table to see if "ABC Plastics Corporation" is listed.

Envirofacts TRI Search Report

The results screen shows that ABC Plastics has reported to the TRI Program. Click on the number shown in the "submissions" column to see if this facility reported TRI data for the 2014 calendar year.

3. The next screen lists all of ABC Plastics Corporation's TRI reporting forms since 1987, one form for each chemical for each year. The facility's 2014 TRI reporting forms (if any were submitted) will be listed at the top of the page under the heading: "List of Document Control Numbers in ENVIROFACTS for the TRI Reporting Year: 2014." The results show that ABC Plastics submitted three TRI forms for 2014. Click on the document control number to the left of each chemical name to learn more about how the chemical was managed at the facility, including whether or not it was released to the environment.

Envirofacts TRI Search Report

4. The images below show the benzene data from the Reporting Form R that ABC Plastics submitted for 2014. Section 5.2 shows that ABC Plastics reported releasing 1,314 pounds of benzene into the air during 2014.

Envirofacts TRI Search Report

Further down in Section 6.2, the report shows that ABC Plastics sent 17 pounds of benzene to another facility to be incinerated.

Envirofacts TRI Search Report

Downloadable 2014 Data

Please note that use of the downloadable files is recommended for more experienced TRI data users, due to the format of the files.

Basic - Contains the most commonly requested data fields from the Form R and Form A. Data presented in .csv format.

Basic Plus - Collectively contains all of the data fields from the Form R and Form A. The eight file types are tab-delimited .txt format and then compressed into a .zip file.

Dioxin, Dioxin-Like Compounds and TEQ - Includes the individually-reported mass quantity data reported on the Form R Schedule 1, with associated Toxic Equivalency data. Data presented in .csv format.

Help Using the Data

You can also send us your question or comment: tri.help@epa.gov