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Office of Inspector General



Listen to our staff talk about their latest audit, evaluation and investigation reports and other initiatives. We produce these podcasts to further inform and engage the broader public about our mission. These audio podcast files are for use by the media, schools, or anyone else and may be freely broadcasted. To download an audio file: right-click on the podcast name and select the "save" option. 

What is the EPA OIG?

The Office of Inspector General performs audits, evaluations, and investigations of the EPA and its contractors to detect an prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. Learn more

Date Podcasts and Transcripts Subject Report
Sept 28, 2015 (MP3 - 3.6 MBs, 4:54)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0298(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0298, Early Warning Report: EPA Region 9 Should Withhold Award of the Fiscal Year 2015 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Grant to the Hawaii Department of Health
Sept 15, 2015 (MP3 - 3.8 MBs, 4:01)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0279(1 pg, 4 K)
#15-P-0279, EPA's Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program Lacks Adequate Support and Transparency and Should Be Assessed for Continuation
July 16, 2015 (MP3 - 3.8 MBs, 5:19)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0204(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0204, Enhanced EPA Oversight and Action Can Further Protect Water Resources From the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing 
July 6, 2015 (MP3 - 3.6 MBs, 5:04)    
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0172(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0172, EPA Does Not Effectively Control or Monitor Imports of Hazardous Waste 
June 16, 2015 (MP3 - 3.1 MBs, 4:29)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0168(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0168, EPA Should Update Guidance to Address the Release of Potentially Harmful Quantities of Asbestos That Can Occur Under EPA’s Asbestos Demolition Standard
May 28, 2015 (MP3 - 2.4 MBs, 4:03)
Podcast Transcript: #15-N-0164(1 pg, 4 K)
#15-N-0164, FY 2015 EPA Management Challenges
Apr 17, 2015 (MP3 - 2.8 MBs, 4:47)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0137(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0137, Conditions in the U.S. Virgin Islands Warrant EPA Withdrawing Approval and Taking Over Management of Some Environmental Programs and Improving Oversight of Others 
Feb 26, 2015 (MP3 - 2.7 MBs, 4:34)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0101(1 pg, 4 K)
#15-P-0101, EPA Regions Have Considered Environmental Justice When Targeting Facilities for Air Toxics Inspections
Nov 19, 2014 (MP3 - 2.43 MBs, 4:10)
Podcast Transcript: #15-N-0025(1 pg, 4 K)
#15-N-0025, Early Warning Report: Some EPA Employees Found to Be on Paid Administrative Leave for Years
Oct 6, 2014 (MP3 - 4.3 MBs, 6:09)
Podcast Transcript: #15-P-0001(1 pg, 5 K)
#15-P-0001EPA's Fleet Management Program Needs Improvement
Sept 9, 2014 (MP3 - 3.2 MBs, 4:31)
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0349(1 pg, 4 K)
#14-P-0349, EPA Can Help Consumers Identify Household and Other Products with Safer Chemicals by Strengthening Its "Design for the Environment" Program
Sept 3, 2014 (MP3 - 3.3 MBs, 4:37)
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0348(1 pg, 5 K)
#14-P-0348, Nutrient Pollution: EPA Needs to Work With States to Develop Strategies for Monitoring the Impact of State Activities on the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
June 25, 2014 (MP3 - 3.7 MBs, 5:21)
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0324(1 pg, 5 K)
#14-P-0324, Improvements Needed in EPA Efforts to Address Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines 
June 22, 2014 (MP3 - 3.8 MBs, 5:24),
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0321(1 pg, 4 K)
#14-P-0321, Follow-Up Report: EPA Improves Management of Its Radiation Monitoring System 
June 17, 2014 (MP3 - 3.9 MBs, 5:37) 
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0302(1 pg, 6 K)
#14-P-0302, EPA Has Made Progress in Assessing Historical Lead Smelter Sites But Needs to Strengthen Procedures  
May 28, 2014 (MP3 - 6.3 MBs, 9:10)
EPA's Key Management Challenges 2014(1 pg, 8 K)
EPA's Key Management Challenges 2014
Mar 31, 2014 (MP3 - 3.9 MBs, 5:41)
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0154(1 pg, 6 K)
#14-P-0154, Improvements to EPA Policies and Guidance Could Enhance Protection of Human Study Subjects
Dec 11, 2013 (MP3 - 4.09 MBs, 4:28),
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0037(1 pg, 5 K)
#14-P-0037, Early Warning Report: Internal Controls and Management Actions Concerning John C. Beale's Travel
Dec 11, 2013
(MP3 - 3.95 MBs, 4:19)
Podcast Transcript: #14-P-0036(1 pg, 4 K)
#14-P-0036, Early Warning Report: Internal Controls and Management Actions Concerning John C. Beale Pay Issues

Podcasts on this page are in MP3 format which is compatible with most audio players.

OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740