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Contact Us About Schools

Report an environmental violation

Report possible violations of environmental laws and regulations.

Find a contact where you live

For help addressing schools-related issues where you live, please use the lists below to find someone who can assist you.

Regional School Coordinators - EPA contacts who oversee development of school environmental health efforts for each state.

USA map showing states within each EPA region, as listed down this web page

Related EPA contacts:

Contacts outside of EPA:

  • Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PESHU) - Funded in part by CDC, EPA, and the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics, these regional contacts provide information on protecting children from environmental hazards and work with federal, state and local agencies to address children's environmental health issues in homes, schools and communities.
  • State Asbestos Contacts - Many states administer an asbestos program and your state department of environmental protection or health will be the best place to address asbestos questions.

Contact the national program:

For help or questions regarding EPA's Schools program in general, contact us in Washington, DC.

Mailing address:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Children's Health Protection MC1107T
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20460

Contact us electronically:

  • Send an email to: schools@epa.gov.
  • Or use the form below to submit a comment or question. Be sure to include a way for us to contact you if you’d like a response.