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Healthy Schools, Healthy Kids

Take action to improve children's health! EPA's comprehensive schools website offers all the resources you need to establish, maintain, or enhance a school environmental health program.

Extra Credit for a Healthier School

Extra Credit A+There are many ways to create healthy school environments beyond what you can find on this website. This section provides information on student curricula you may use as well as EPA and other partners' initiatives to engage the community in activities to improve children's health and safety. Go to the Extra Credit page.

Featured Publications

cover of the School Siting Guidelines documentVoluntary School Siting Guidelines Helps communities consider environmental health when establishing school site selection criteria and conducting environmental reviews of prospective sites. Go to the siting guidelines.

State School Environmental Health Guidelines State School Environmental Health Guidelines Presents recommendations, case studies, and resources to help states create or improve environmental health programs for K-12 schools. Read the health guidelines.