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Smart Growth

2006 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet

Cover to the 2006 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement BookletDownload the 2006 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet (PDF). Fruitvale Transit Village, Oakland, CA. Photo used with permission of John Beutler.  

Primary tasks

Through the National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, EPA recognizes and supports communities that use innovative policies and strategies to strengthen their economies, provide housing and transportation choices, develop in ways that bring benefits to a wide range of residents, and protect the environment.

The 2006 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet includes:

  • A message from the EPA Administrator
  • How smart growth protects the environment
  • About the award
  • Descriptions and photographs of each award winner

The winners are:

  • Overall Excellence in Smart Growth
    Train: The tracks in front of train station
    Communities like Concord are using the Commonwealth Capital program to secure funding for mixed-use development along existing transit lines. Photo courtesy of award winner.

    Massachusetts Office for Commonwealth Development
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    The Office for Commonwealth Development (OCD) brings together state agencies responsible for environmental, transportation, and housing policies in a single office to promote growth that meets a wide range of goals. Through a combination of incentives and outreach, OCD is changing the way both the state and localities make growth decisions.

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  • Built Projects
    Old Town Wichita after smart growth development
    Through innovative strategies, collaborative problem solving, and a vision to foster great places, the city of Wichita has created a new neighborhood, near downtown. Photo courtesy of award winner.

    Old Town Wichita
    City of Wichita, Wichita, Kansas

    The use of innovative tax districts and incentives spurred the city of Wichita’s largest environmental cleanup effort and removed barriers that limited reinvestment in the warehouse district. Renamed “Old Town,” the district now features a mix of housing, shopping, and entertainment options while preserving its historic feel.

    For an update on this project, see the 2010 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement booklet.


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  • Policies and Regulations
    Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative
    Woman shopper in produce section of grocey store
    In Philadelphia, the First Oriental Market received a $500,000 loan from FFFI to help its owners purchase the property they had previously leased. Photo courtesy of The Reinvestment Fund.
    Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    The Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative, a public-private partnership between the state and three nonprofit organizations, has provided over $7.3 million in grants and loans to help supermarkets locate in underserved communities. The program lets people shop for nutritious food in their neighborhoods instead of having to drive to distant grocery stores and brings economic development to lower-income communities.

    For an update on this project, see the 2008 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement booklet.


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  • Small Communities
    City bus in downtown Winooski
    New apartments and condos are being built with easy transit access. Photos courtesy of Liisa Ecola.

    Winooski Downtown Redevelopment Project
    City of Winooski, Winooski, Vermont

    The Winooski Downtown Redevelopment Project revitalized this small town with new development that respects the city's character and history. The town preserved or restored nearly 100 acres of natural habitat, returned vacant properties to productive use, created several neighborhood parks, and built the pedestrian-friendly RiverWalk.

    For an update on this project, see the 2009 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement booklet.

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  • Equitable Development
    Woman walking down the side walk in front of the Bethel Community Savings Center
    The Community Savings Center (CSC) occupies one of the six storefront properties at Bethel Center. CSC is a full-service bank that offers free financial counseling to members. Photo courtesty of award winner.

    Bethel Center
    Chicago Department of Planning and Development, Chicago, Illinois

    Threatened with the loss of its transit station, the West Garfield Park neighborhood catalyzed transit-oriented redevelopment with Bethel Center as the anchor and kept the station open. Bethel Center provides employment services, child care, and banking in a "green" building erected on a former brownfield.

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