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Smart Growth

Smart Growth Publications

Sort publications by title, category, location, type, or date. Categories include:

For a quick list of our most popular publications, see Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. For hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 to request EPA 231-F-06-008.






2015 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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Awards New Jersey

2013 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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New York


2012 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-12-002.

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New York



2011 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-11-002.

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New Mexico
South Dakota


2010 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-10-001.

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New York


2009 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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North Carolina


2008 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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2007 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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New York



2006 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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2005 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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2004 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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New Mexico
North Carolina



2003 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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North Carolina



2002 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement Booklet
This award program recognizes communities that use the principles of smart growth to create better places.

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Attracting Infill Development in Distressed Communities
Helps distressed communities determine their readiness to pursue infill development and identify strategies to better position themselves to attract infill development.

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Brownfields and Infill Development     2015

Smart Growth and Economic Success: Investing in Infill Development
Discusses how barriers to infill development that discourage developers are often surmountable and are diminishing as infill development becomes more common.

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Brownfields and Infill Development    


Managing Vacant and Abandoned Property in the Green Zone of Saginaw, Michigan
Report from the EPA technical assistance project with Saginaw to develop a land use and infrastructure strategy that stabilizes neighborhoods through the sustainable reuse of abandoned properties.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Technical Assistance Report


Equitable Redevelopment of Petroleum Brownfields for Zuni Pueblo and Other Tribal Communities
Step-by-step guide to help tribes overcome policy and other barriers to redevelopment of contaminated and vacant sites.

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Brownfields and Infill Development

New Mexico

Technical Assistance Report


Residential Construction Trends in America's Metropolitan Regions: 2012 Edition
Demonstrates that infill has become a significant portion of the U.S. housing market and that significant opportunities remain for regions that want to use smart growth strategies to pursue more infill development.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



From Vacancy to Vibrancy Exit
Smart Growth America.
Outlines how to build financial and political support to reclaim and redevelop abandoned gas stations, auto body shops, and industrial facilities. Includes information about state and federal brownfield program requirements, brownfield redevelopment financing strategies, and multi-site planning techniques.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Restructuring the Commercial Strip: A Practical Guide for Planning the Revitalization of Deteriorating Strip Corridors
ICF International and Freedman Tung & Sasaki.
Provides guidance on coordination of public and private investments and essential planning and design strategies to create a multimodal transportation system and thriving neighborhoods.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



Residential Construction Trends in America's Metropolitan Regions 2010
Updates 2009 report analyzing residential building trends to determine if there has been a shift toward redevelopment and in which regions the shift has been most significant.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



Residential Construction Trends in America's Metropolitan Regions 2009
Analyzes residential building trends to determine if there has been a shift toward redevelopment and in which regions the shift has been most significant.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



Measuring the Air Quality and Transportation Impacts of Infill Development
Illustrates how regions can calculate the transportation and air quality benefits of infill, based on standard transportation forecasting models used by metropolitan planning organizations across the country. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-07-001.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



Gateways Revitalization Strategy
Lancaster County Planning Commission.
Provides a vision and a set of achievable goals for the revitalization of 600 acres of land near the Amtrak station in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Stimulating Infill and Brownfield Development in the Land-of-Sky Region
Land-of-Sky Regional Council.
Analyzes barriers to infill and brownfield redevelopment in a four-county region in western North Carolina and proposes possible policy solutions.

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Brownfields and Infill Development

North Carolina

Grant Product


Connecting Smart Growth and Brownfields Redevelopment Exit
Center for Environmental Policy and Management, University of Louisville.
Examines planning strategies, financing options, and institutional practices that can help promote brownfield redevelopment.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Policy Lessons from the Coastal Brownfield Development of Fields Point, Providence, Rhode Island
Save the Bay, Inc.
Analyzes the regulatory and policy context for redeveloping coastal brownfields in Rhode Island.

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Brownfields and Infill Development

Rhode Island

Grant Product


Redevelopment Ready Communities: Best Practices and Scoring System
Michigan Suburbs Alliance.
Encourages older suburbs to become more competitive by making the development process simpler and more efficient. Includes a scoring system to rate a community's redevelopment climate and strategies to improve it.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Brownfield Redevelopment Solutions: Recovering a Community's Hidden Assets
Envision Utah.
A compendium of tips, procedures, and other information to help brownfields redevelopment.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Vacant Properties: The True Costs to Communities (PDF) (24 pp, 496 K, About PDF) Exit
National Vacant Properties Campaign.
Summarizes research on the costs of vacant and abandoned properties and highlights local programs that recapture the value in these properties.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Smart Growth for Brownfields Redevelopment: A Brownfields Screening Tool
City of Chicago.
Presents screening tools to evaluate and identify brownfield sites that can be economically cleaned up and redeveloped using smart growth principles.

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Brownfields and Infill Development


Grant Product


Comparing Methodologies to Assess Transportation and Air Quality Impacts of Brownfields and Infill Development (49 pp, 1.3 M, About PDF)
Compares methodologies to evaluate the benefits of infill development when preparing State Implementation Plans and transportation conformity determinations.

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Brownfields and Infill Development



The Transportation and Environmental Impacts of Infill Versus Greenfield Development: A Comparative Case Study Analysis
Models the transportation and environmental impacts of locating the same development on two sites, one infill and one suburban edge/ greenfield, and compares the results. This analysis was conducted in three regions: San Diego, CA; Montgomery County, MD; and West Palm Beach, FL.

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Brownfields and Infill Development




Project XL and Atlantic Steel: Supporting Environmental Excellence and Smart Growth (10 pp, 707 K, About PDF)
A summary of the environmental benefits of redeveloping the Atlantic Steel site into the smart growth community Atlantic Station.

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Brownfields and Infill Development




How Small Towns and Cities Can Use Local Assets to Rebuild Their Economies
Report examining case studies of small towns and cities that used their existing assets and distinctive resources to pursue economic development.

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Business and Economic Development

New York


Using Smart Growth Strategies to Foster Economic Development: A Kelso, Washington, Case Study
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to develop a smart growth economic development strategy for Kelso.

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Business and Economic Development Washington Technical Assistance Report 2015

Smart Growth and Economic Success: Investing in Infill Development
Discusses how barriers to infill development that discourage developers are often surmountable and are diminishing as infill development becomes more common.

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Business and Economic Development    


Smart Growth and Economic Success: Strategies for Local Governments
Discusses smart growth approaches local governments can use to lower costs and/or increase revenue.

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Business and Economic Development



Smart Growth and Economic Success: The Business Case
Discusses how locations with housing and transportation options, a mix of uses close together, and a high quality of life can improve environmental outcomes while providing economic advantages for businesses.

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Business and Economic Development



Smart Growth and Economic Success: Benefits for Real Estate Developers, Investors, Businesses, and Local Governments
Outlines the benefits of smart growth development for developers, businesses, local government, and other groups.

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Business and Economic Development



Market Acceptance of Smart Growth
Compares resale prices for single-family houses and townhouses in smart growth developments with units in conventional developments that are equivalent in terms of size, age, amenities, and location.

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Business and Economic Development



Placemaking: Creating the Product
Victor Dover.
Discusses how features that make smart growth neighborhoods smart also make them desirable and command a premium from homebuyers.

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Business and Economic Development



The Market for Smart Growth
Gregg Logan, Stephanie Siejka, and Shyam Kannan.
Review of studies of consumer demand for smart growth that finds that about one-third of homebuyers would prefer a smart growth neighborhood.

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Business and Economic Development



The Market Acceptance of Single-Family Housing Units in Smart Growth Communities
Mark J. Eppli and Charles C. Tu.
Finds that people are willing to pay more money for a home in a smart growth project than a similar house in a typical suburban development.

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Business and Economic Development



Branding and Marketing Smart Growth Communities
Jackie Benson.
Discusses how to market the safety, convenience, and other benefits of smart growth communities.

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Business and Economic Development



Production-Built Homes: The Cost Advantages of Smart Growth
Jason Miller.
Compares the cost efficiencies of production-built, single-family, detached housing units in smart growth communities and conventional suburban development.

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Business and Economic Development



Economic Development and Smart Growth (PDF) (50 pp,2.7 M, About PDF) Exit
International Economic Development Council.
Highlights the connections between smart growth and economic outcomes such as job growth, occupancy rates, tax base, and private investment. Uses detailed case studies to illustrate economic outcomes in places that have incorporated smart growth development strategies.

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Business and Economic Development


Grant Product


Smart Growth is Smart Business Exit
National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals and Smart Growth Leadership Institute.
Identifies successful companies that promote smart growth and bring vitality and prosperity to their communities.

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Business and Economic Development


Grant Product


Profiles of Business Leadership on Smart Growth: New Partnerships Demonstrate the Economic Benefits of Reducing Sprawl Exit
National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals.
Examples of businesses that have taken the lead in improving the quality of development in their communities.

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Business and Economic Development


Grant Product


Smart Growth Illustrated
Shows how smart growth techniques look in communities around the country.

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Case Studies




Developing for the Future: Hometown USA: Innovative Community Projects Supported by EPA Grants (44 pp, 2 M, About PDF)
Profiles of communities around the country that have protected and enhanced the environment through smart growth strategies.

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Case Studies



Smart Growth at Work: Project Highlights from EPA's Ten Regions (26 pp, 278 K, About PDF)
Highlights smart growth innovations, particularly in program implementation, in EPA’s 10 regions.

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Case Studies



Creating Safe Growth Strategies for the San Francisco Bay Area
Report from a technical assistance project with the Association of Bay Area Governments to incorporate resilience to natural hazards and climate change into regional and local land use planning.

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Climate Change and Energy

California Technical Assistance Report 2015

District-Scale Energy Planning
Report from a technical assistance project with the city and county of San Francisco to explore how the public sector could facilitate and provide incentives to establish district-scale energy systems that meet local goals.

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Climate Change and Energy California Technical Assistance Report 2015

Using Smart Growth Strategies to Create More Resilient Communities in the Washington, D.C., Region
Report from a technical assistance project with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments that gives local governments policy options to consider when preparing for climate risks while also meeting other environmental, economic, and social goals.

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Climate Change and Energy

Washington, D.C.

Technical Assistance Report


Strategies for Sustainable Communities: A Guidebook Based on California Community Types (PDF) (57 pp, 943 K, About PDF) Exit
Product from the EPA technical assistance project to help California's Strategic Growth Council create a framework to help local governments determine what combination of greenhouse gas reduction strategies, smart growth practices, and sustainability policies are best for their type of community.

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Climate Change and Energy


Technical Assistance Report


Iowa Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Report
Report from a project in which EPA and FEMA worked with state and local leaders in Iowa to figure out how the latest science on changing weather patterns due to climate change could be integrated into local and state planning efforts to adapt to and mitigate future natural disasters.

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Climate Change and Energy




Location Efficiency and Housing Type - Boiling it Down to BTUs
Jonathan Rose Companies for EPA.
Finds that a home's location and access to transit are as important to reducing energy use as are energy-efficiency measures in homes and cars.

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Climate Change and Energy



Getting Smart About Climate Change Exit
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Outlines nine strategies for applying smart growth principles to climate change concerns on the local and regional levels.

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Climate Change and Energy


Grant Product


Local Climate and Energy Strategy Guide — Smart Growth: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs (PDF) (55 pp, 521 K, About PDF)
Describes how smart growth strategies can help local governments reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve quality of life.

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Climate Change and Energy



Collaborating on Greensboro's Future: The University Roundtable and Next Steps
Report on the EPA technical assistance project to help Greensboro, North Carolina, engage its universities in a collaborative effort to improve community and economic development.

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Colleges and Universities

North Carolina

Technical Assistance Report


Communities of Opportunity: Smart Growth Strategies for Colleges and Universities Exit
National Association of College and University Business Officers and Ayers Saint Gross.
Discusses how colleges and universities can use smart growth strategies to improve their campuses and the communities in which they are located.

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Colleges and Universities



Spokane's University District: Policy Options for a New Urban Center
Report on the EPA technical assistance project to help the city of Spokane develop options to advance its vision for its University District.

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Colleges and Universities


Technical Assistance Report


Teaching Smart Growth at Colleges and Universities
Sample course prospectuses from professors teaching smart growth-related classes.

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Colleges and Universities



Partnerships for Smart Growth: University-Community Collaboration for Better Public Spaces
Association for Collegiate Schools of Planning.
Includes 13 case studies of university-community collaborations on smart growth initiatives, including examples of smart growth in curricula, at research centers, by collaboration, and in the community.

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Colleges and Universities


Grant Product


Creating Safe Growth Strategies for the San Francisco Bay Area
Report from a technical assistance project with the Association of Bay Area Governments to incorporate resilience to natural hazards and climate change into regional and local land use planning.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery

California Technical Assistance Report 2015

Planning for Flood Recovery and Long-Term Resilience in Vermont: Smart Growth Approaches for Disaster-Resilient Communities
Report from the EPA technical assistance project with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the state of Vermont, and the Mad River Valley Planning District on how communities in Vermont can recover from flood impacts from Tropical Storm Irene and become more resilient to future disasters. See also the Flood Resilience Checklist.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery


Technical Assistance Report


Flood Resilience Checklist
A checklist to help communities determine whether they are prepared for a flood, developed through the EPA technical assistance project with the state of Vermont.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery



Achieving Hazard-Resilient Coastal & Waterfront Smart Growth: Coastal and Waterfront Smart Growth and Hazard Mitigation Roundtable
Report from a meeting organized by NOAA, EPA, and the state Sea Grant College Programs of Rhode Island, Texas, and Hawaii on how coastal and waterfront communities can create economically and environmentally sustainable neighborhoods while minimizing risks from flooding and related natural hazards.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery



Iowa Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Report
Report from a project in which EPA and FEMA worked with state and local leaders in Iowa to figure out how the latest science on changing weather patterns due to climate change could be integrated into local and state planning efforts to adapt to and mitigate future natural disasters.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery




Embracing the River: Smart Growth Strategies for Assisting in Cedar Rapids' Recovery
Report from the EPA-FEMA project to help Cedar Rapids, Iowa, revise its land use policies to encourage infill and more sustainable growth after the 2008 floods.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery


Technical Assistance Report


Waverly, Iowa, Smart Planning Workshop: Policy Options and Project Designs
Report on the EPA-FEMA project to help Waverly develop policy options and strategies for green infrastructure, housing, and infill development after the 2008 floods.

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Disaster Resilience and Recovery


Technical Assistance Report


Publications from the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities
Publications and resources from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities




Partnership for Sustainable Communities: Five Years of Learning from Communities and Coordinating Federal Investments
Report commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities that shows how the three agencies are changing their policies and removing barriers to help communities provide more housing choices, make transportation systems more efficient and reliable, and create vibrant neighborhoods while protecting the environment. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-14-004.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Maryland Clean Water State Revolving Fund Sustainable Communities Pilot Project Report
Describes how EPA worked with Maryland's Clean Water State Revolving Fund program to consider ways to focus resources in existing communities and infrastructure systems to leverage past investments and support sustainable communities.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities




Partnership for Sustainable Communities: Three Years of Helping Communities Achieve Their Visions for Growth and Prosperity
Overview of EPA, HUD, and DOT support to communities seeking to protect the environment, provide more housing choices, and make transportation systems more efficient and reliable. Details successes in seven communities. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-12-001.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities

West Virginia



Federal Resources for Sustainable Rural Communities
A guide to programs from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture that rural communities can use to promote economic competitiveness, protect healthy environments, and enhance quality of life.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Supporting Sustainable Rural Communities
Discusses federal programs that help rural America, presents sample funding and technical assistance opportunities and performance measures rural communities can use, and includes case studies showcasing rural accomplishments.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Partnership for Sustainable Communities: A Year of Progress for American Communities
Report on the first year of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Partnership for Sustainable Communities: Supporting Environmental Justice and Equitable Development
Describes how the Partnership for Sustainable Communities is working to help communities become more equitable and more sustainable for all residents.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Leveraging the Partnership: DOT, HUD, and EPA Programs for Sustainable Communities
Guide to help communities identify federal resources that can support their efforts to promote more sustainable communities.

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HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities



Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Rural Planning, Zoning, and Development Codes
Offers 10 essential fixes to help rural communities amend their codes, ordinances, and development requirements to promote more sustainable growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-12-001.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes     2012

Growing for a Sustainable Future: Miami-Dade County Urban Development Boundary Assessment
Report from the EPA technical assistance project on strategies for growth management to help guide development toward existing areas and protect sensitive environmental areas.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Urban and Suburban Zoning Codes
Offers 11 essential fixes to help local governments amend their codes and ordinances to promote more sustainable growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-09-003.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes     2009

Downtown Waterfront Form-Based Code Workshop
Report from the EPA-NOAA technical assistance project to help Marquette, Michigan, develop a form-based code for its Downtown Waterfront District.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Laconia, New Hampshire - Three Neighborhoods, One Vision
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to help the city of Laconia redevelop three neighborhood centers.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes

New Hampshire

Technical Assistance Report


Building the Comprehensive Community: Traditional Neighborhood Development for Porter County, Indiana
Report from the EPA-NOAA technical assistance project to help Porter County write a traditional neighborhood design guideline to supplement its Unified Development Ordinance.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Growing Our Own Communities
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help the towns of Victor and Driggs, Idaho, analyze options for development.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Implementing the Aquidneck Island West Side Master Plan
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help Aquidneck Island, Rhode Island, develop tools and options to implement its West Side Master Plan.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes

Rhode Island

Technical Assistance Report


Implementing PlanCheyenne: Strategies and Opportunities for Smarter Growth in Cheyenne
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help Cheyenne, Wyoming, implement PlanCheyenne, its vision for growth and development.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Taos Smart Growth Implementation Assistance: Concepts for the Paseo del Pueblo Sur Corridor
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help Taos, New Mexico, make development along its main corridor into town more attractive and economically stronger.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes

New Mexico

Technical Assistance Report


Achieving the Vision: Options for the College Park U.S. Route 1 Corridor
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help College Park, Maryland, get development that meets its vision for its Route 1 corridor.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Connecting McCall: Concept Plans for Lardo and West Valley
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project to help McCall, Idaho, create a vision for development at two sites along a new loop road.

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Plans, Visioning, and Development Codes


Technical Assistance Report


Moving the Needle: Regional Coalitions as Catalysts for Sustainable Development (PDF)(45 pp, 1.2 MB, About PDF) Exit
Urban Land Institute.
Describes the experiences of eight regional coalitions from around the country and how they work with diverse partners to promote more sustainable communities.

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Regional Planning and Visioning

Washington, D.C.

Grant Product


Institutionalizing Smart Growth Principles into the Metropolitan Planning Process (PDF) (16 pp, 18.8 M, About PDF) Exit
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
Describes how four metropolitan planning organizations worked with EPA to incorporate smart growth principles into their planning processes.

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Regional Planning and Visioning


Grant Product


The History of Envision Utah
Envision Utah.
History of the visioning process to work toward quality growth in the Greater Wasatch area of Utah.

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Regional Planning and Visioning




Smart Growth Self-Assessment for Rural Communities
Tool, designed specifically for rural communities, that helps villages, towns, and small cities evaluate their policies to create healthy, environmentally resilient, and economically robust places.

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Rural Smart Growth     2015

Smart Growth Self-Assessment for Rural Communities: Madison County, New York
Report from the EPA-led technical assistance project with Madison County to a smart growth self-assessment tool for rural communities that helps local governments evaluate how well their policies and regulations support the type of development they want and identify strategies for improvement. See also the Smart Growth Self-Assessment for Rural Communities.

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Rural Smart Growth New York Technical Assistance Report 2015
How Small Towns and Cities Can Use Local Assets to Rebuild Their Economies
Report examining case studies of small towns and cities that used their existing assets and distinctive resources to pursue economic development.

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Rural Smart Growth     2015
Using Smart Growth Strategies to Foster Economic Development: A Kelso, Washington, Case Study
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to develop a smart growth economic development strategy for Kelso, Washington.

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Rural Smart Growth Washington Technical Assistance Report 2015

Federal Resources for Sustainable Rural Communities
A guide to programs from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture that rural communities can use to promote economic competitiveness, protect healthy environments, and enhance quality of life.

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Rural Smart Growth    


Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Rural Planning, Zoning, and Development Codes
Offers 10 essential fixes to help rural communities amend their codes, ordinances, and development requirements to promote more sustainable growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-12-001.

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Rural Smart Growth



Supporting Sustainable Rural Communities
Discusses federal programs that help rural America, presents sample funding and technical assistance opportunities and performance measures rural communities can use, and includes case studies showcasing rural accomplishments.

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Rural Smart Growth



Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Focuses on smart growth strategies that can help guide growth in rural areas while protecting natural and working lands and preserving the rural character of existing communities. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-10-003.

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Rural Smart Growth


Grant Product


Retaining Our Sense of Place by Managing Our Highway
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to help Pamlico County, North Carolina, manage development along a rural highway corridor.

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Rural Smart Growth

North Carolina

Technical Assistance Report


This Is Smart Growth
ICMA and Smart Growth Network. Features 40 places around the country, from cities to suburbs to small towns to rural areas, that have found success by implementing smart growth principles. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-06-002.

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Rural Smart Growth


Grant Product


Youth Travel to School: Community Design Relationships with Mode Choice, Vehicle Emissions, and Healthy Body Weight
Lawrence Frank and Company, Inc., for EPA.
Study that examines how factors including neighborhood design and perception of neighborhood safety affect travel to school.

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School Siting



Local Governments and Schools: A Community-Oriented Approach (PDF) (40 pp, 855 K, About PDF) Exit
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Helps local government managers understand the connections between school facility planning and local government management issues, and offers strategies for local governments and schools to bring their planning efforts together for a more community-oriented approach to schools.

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School Siting


Grant Product


Schools for Successful Communities: An Element of Smart Growth
Council of Educational Facility Planners International and EPA.
Explains why and how communities can employ smart growth planning principles to build schools that better serve and support students, staff, parents, and the entire community.

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School Siting


Grant Product


Travel and Environmental Implications of School Siting
Provides information about how the location of a school affects how its students get to it, showing that school siting and design can influence traffic congestion, air pollution, school transportation budgets, and children's health and obesity.

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School Siting



Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners
Lists the most popular publications and tools. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-F-06-008.

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Smart Growth Essentials




Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development
Provides land use and community design strategies that bring together smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development principles and that community-based organizations, local and regional decision-makers, developers, and others can use to revitalize their communities. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-10-005.

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Smart Growth Essentials



Our Built and Natural Environments: A Technical Review of the Interactions Between Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Quality (2nd edition)
Examines how development patterns affect the environment and human health and provides evidence that certain kinds of land use and transportation strategies can reduce development impacts. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-13-001.

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Smart Growth Essentials



This Is Smart Growth
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Features 40 places around the country, from cities to suburbs to small towns to rural areas, that have found success by implementing smart growth principles. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-06-002.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Así es el desarrollo inteligente
"This Is Smart Growth" translated into Spanish.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Turning Bases Into Great Places: New Life for Closed Military Facilities
A look at the challenges facing communities following the closing of a military base and solutions for turning those facilities into valuable assets.

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Smart Growth Essentials



Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community
Local Government Commission, EPA, and National Association of Realtors.
Highlights nine community-led efforts to create vibrant neighborhoods through density, discusses the connections between smart growth and density, and introduces design principles to ensure that density becomes a community asset.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Getting to Smart Growth II: 100 More Policies for Implementation
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Volume 2 of this series describes the concrete techniques of putting the 10 smart growth principles into practice. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-05-002.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Cómo Alcanzar el Desarrollo Inteligente, II: 100 Políticas Adicionales Para Su Implementación
"Getting to Smart Growth, Volume II" translated into Spanish.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies for Implementation
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Provides 100 policy ideas, along with additional resources and brief case studies of communities that have applied these approaches to achieve better development. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-05-001.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Cómo Alcanzar el Desarrollo Inteligente
"Getting to Smart Growth" translated into Spanish.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Affordable Housing and Smart Growth: Making the Connection
National Neighborhood Coalition and Smart Growth Network.
Uses case studies to illustrate strategies that can foster affordable housing and smart growth.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Environmental Characteristics of Smart Growth Neighborhoods: Phase II Exit
Natural Resources Defense Council.
Case studies of neighborhoods in Sacramento, CA, and Nashville, TN, that show the environmental benefits of smart growth are real and can be measured.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product

2000 2003

Why Smart Growth: A Primer
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Offers a description of the environmental, economic, social, and governmental costs of growth.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Best Development Practices: A Primer for Smart Growth
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Describes land use practices that create attractive communities, offer more transportation choices, and protect the environment.

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Smart Growth Essentials


Grant Product


Smart Growth Self-Assessment for Rural Communities
Tool, designed specifically for rural communities, that helps villages, towns, and small cities evaluate their policies to create healthy, environmentally resilient, and economically robust places.

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Sustainable Design and Green Building Toolkit for Local Governments
Addresses the local codes of ordinances that affect the design, construction, renovation, and operation and maintenance of a building and its immediate site to help local governments, the development community, and other building professionals identify and remove barriers to sustainable design and green building in their permitting processes.

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Smart Location Database
A nationwide geospatial database characterizing the built environment for use in travel demand studies and scenario planning.

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Access to Jobs and Workers Via Transit Tool
A geospatial data resource and web mapping tool for comparing the accessibility of neighborhoods via public transit service.

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Infrastructure Financing Options for Transit-Oriented Development
Provides local governments with a comprehensive overview of tools and implementation strategies for transit-oriented development, and explores emerging, innovative models for financing.

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Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Rural Planning, Zoning, and Development Codes
Offers 10 essential fixes to help rural communities amend their codes, ordinances, and development requirements to promote more sustainable growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-12-001.

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A Project Selection Tool for the State of Rhode Island: Leveraging State Transportation, Housing, and Infrastructure Investments
Report on EPA's technical assistance project with Rhode Island KeepSpace to help prioritize state, nonprofit, and federal resources. This assistance resulted in a project selection tool that could be useful to other communities facing similar challenges.

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Rhode Island

Technical Assistance Report


Mixed-Use Trip Generation Model
Spreadsheet tool that makes it easy to estimate trips generated by a new mixed-use development to more fairly assess these projects in development review processes.

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Public Involvement Plan and Toolkit for Las Cruces
Product from the EPA technical assistance project to help Las Cruces, New Mexico, develop strategies that invite and maintain the participation of all residents, especially ethnically diverse, low-income populations and others that have had little or no involvement in community planning and design.

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New Mexico

Technical Assistance Report


Smart Growth Guidelines for Sustainable Design and Development
Guidelines that can serve as a checklist to ensure programs, plans, and proposed developments incorporate the elements needed at the location, site, and building levels to result in more sustainable, affordable housing. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-09-004.

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Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Urban and Suburban Zoning Codes
Offers 11 essential fixes to help local governments amend their codes and ordinances to promote more sustainable growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-09-003.

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Strategic Package of Tools to Promote Transit Oriented Development in Metropolitan Phoenix
A summary of 23 tools that could be offered to the development community to create and enhance vibrant, healthy communities that support light rail. Focused on metropolitan Phoenix, with nationwide application.

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Technical Assistance Report


Policies that Work: A Governors' Guide to Growth and Development Exit
Governors' Institute on Community Design.
Provides state policy-makers with samples of policies, administrative actions, and spending decisions that have helped states grow smarter.

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Grant Product


Water Quality Scorecard: Incorporating Green Infrastructure Practices at the Municipal, Neighborhood, and Site Scale
Offers policy options for protecting and improving water quality across different scales of land use and across multiple municipal departments. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-B-09-001.

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Smart Growth Scorecards
Sample scorecards used by communities to evaluate policies and development projects.

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Choosing Our Community's Future: A Citizen's Guide to Getting the Most Out of New Development
Smart Growth America.
Focuses on the visioning and planning efforts that set the stage for smarter growth and how citizens can engage and make suggestions for better growth and development through collaborative stakeholder meetings and workshops.

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Grant Product


Smart Growth for Brownfields Redevelopment: A Brownfields Screening Tool
City of Chicago.
Presents screening tools to evaluate and identify brownfield sites that can be economically cleaned up and redeveloped as mixed-income residential or mixed-use communities using smart growth principles.

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Grant Product


Infrastructure Financing Options for Transit-Oriented Development
Provides local governments with a comprehensive overview of tools and implementation strategies for transit-oriented development, and explores emerging, innovative models for financing.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Guide to Sustainable Transportation Performance Measures
Guide to help transportation agencies incorporate environmental, economic, and social sustainability into decision-making through the use of performance measures.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Mixed-Use Trip Generation Model
Spreadsheet tool that makes it easy to estimate trips generated by a new mixed-use development to more fairly assess these projects in development review processes.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Travel and the Built Environment: A Meta-Analysis Exit
Reid Ewing and Robert Cervero.
Meta-analysis of built environment-travel literature that found driving is most strongly related to measures of accessibility to destinations and street network design variables, while walking is most strongly related to measures of land use diversity, intersection density, and the number of destinations within walking distance.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach
Institute of Transportation Engineers and Congress for the New Urbanism.
Provides guidance on applying context-sensitive principles in communities that support compact development, mixed land uses, walking, and bicycling.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Smart Mobility 2010: A Call to Action for the New Decade (PDF) (132 pp, 5 M, About PDF)
Product from the EPA technical assistance project to help the California Department of Transportation create a planning framework to help guide and assess how well plans, programs, and projects meet a definition of "smart mobility."

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Transportation and Air Quality


Technical Assistance Report


Transit Oriented Development and Proposition 207 in Metropolitan Phoenix
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to help the cities of Phoenix and Mesa, Arizona, identify and analyze appropriate non-regulatory and regulatory tools and incentives that the cities could use to promote transit-oriented development.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Technical Assistance Report


Implementing Living Streets: Ideas and Opportunities for the City and County of Denver
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to help Denver turn its commercial corridors into living streets that are pedestrian- and transit-friendly.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Technical Assistance Report


Measuring the Air Quality and Transportation Impacts of Infill Development
Illustrates how regions can calculate the transportation and air quality benefits of infill, based on standard transportation forecasting models used by metropolitan planning organizations across the country. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-07-001.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Creating the Concord River Greenway
Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust.
Discusses neighborhood-based planning effort to design a pedestrian-bike path that makes the Concord River a shared natural resource among the neighborhoods of Lowell, Massachusetts.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Parking Spaces/ Community Places: Finding the Balance Through Smart Growth Solutions
Highlights proven approaches that balance parking with broader community goals. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-06-001.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Building Houston's Competitive Edge: Transit-Oriented Development for the Ensemble/HCC Station
Report from the EPA-NOAA technical assistance project to help Houston find opportunities for transit-oriented development in Midtown.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Technical Assistance Report


Solving Environmental Problems Through Collaboration: A Case Study of Atlantic Steel Redevelopment (2 pp, 10 K, About PDF)
Summary of the redevelopment of the Atlantic Steel property into Atlantic Station, including how its smart growth innovations helped reduce its air quality impacts.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Fact Sheet


EPA Guidance: Improving Air Quality Through Land Use Activities (110 pp, 283 K, About PDF)
Helps air quality and transportation planners account for the air quality impacts of land use policies and projects that state and local governments voluntarily adopt.

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Transportation and Air Quality



Smart Growth and the Clean Air Act Exit
Northeast Midwest Institute.
Examines how the Clean Air Act is applied in several major metropolitan areas and suggests that the Act does not necessarily divert growth from urban centers and can complement efforts to promote growth in areas with existing infrastructure.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Comparing Methodologies to Assess Transportation and Air Quality Impacts of Brownfields and Infill Development (49 pp, 1.3 M, About PDF)
Compares methodologies to evaluate the benefits of infill development when preparing State Implementation Plans and transportation conformity determinations.

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Transportation and Air Quality



The Transportation and Environmental Impacts of Infill Versus Greenfield Development: A Comparative Case Study Analysis
Models the transportation and environmental impacts of locating the same development on two sites, one infill and one suburban edge/ greenfield, and compares the results. This analysis was conducted in three regions: San Diego, CA; Montgomery County, MD; and West Palm Beach, FL.

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Transportation and Air Quality




Pedestrian- and Transit-Friendly Design: A Primer for Smart Growth
ICMA and Smart Growth Network.
Suggests design elements that make walking and transit use easier and more comfortable. Send your name and address to smartgrowth@epa.gov to request a hard copy.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Emergency Response and Traditional Neighborhood Street Design Exit
Local Government Commission.
Contains case studies that show how three cities have handled smart growth street designs and emergency response concerns.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Emergency Response and Narrow Streets Exit
Local Government Commission.
Includes fact sheets on traffic calming and emergency response and street design and emergency response.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Delaware Department of Transportation Workbook for Innovative Corridor Capacity Preservation Pilot Program
Delaware Department of Transportation.
Strategies to delay system expansion, focus development, and preserve quality of life.

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Transportation and Air Quality


Grant Product


Greening America's Capitals: Lansing, Michigan
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Lansing develop options for transforming a 10-acre parking lot between the state capitol and Hall of Justice into a public park that incorporates green infrastructure to reduce flooding and water pollution and spurs investment in nearby vacant and neglected property.

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Water and Green Infrastructure Michigan Technical Assistance Report 2015

Greening America's Capitals: Madison, Wisconsin
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Madison create design options to make it easier for people of all abilities who live and work in the Triangle neighborhood, a diverse, low-income neighborhood, to get around within the neighborhood and reach other parts of the city.

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Water and Green Infrastructure Wisconsin Technical Assistance Report 2015

Greening America's Capitals: Montpelier, Vermont
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Montpelier improve pedestrian and bicycle connections to the historic downtown and reduce the amount of stormwater runoff flowing into the Winooski River.

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Water and Green Infrastructure Vermont Technical Assistance Report 2015

Greening America's Capitals: Olympia, Washington
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Olympia create a cohesive vision for Capitol Way, the city’s main street downtown that links the state capitol with the popular Olympia Farmers Market.

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Water and Green Infrastructure Washington Technical Assistance Report 2015

Enhancing Sustainable Communities With Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Help Communities Better Manage Stormwater While Achieving Other Environmental, Public Health, Social, and Economic Benefits
Aims to help local governments, water utilities, nonprofits, neighborhood groups, and other stakeholders integrate green infrastructure strategies into plans that can transform their communities. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 100-R-14-006.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Long-term Planning for Sustainable Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Wellpinit, Washington, for the Spokane Tribe of Indians
Report from an EPA technical assistance project with the Spokane Tribe of Indians to evaluate the tribe’s water and wastewater needs, identify actions to improve the systems’ capacity for new development, and help ensure successful long-term operation of the infrastructure.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Baton Rouge plan a greenway in the heart of Louisiana's capital that will connect Louisiana State University with the downtown.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Des Moines, Iowa
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Des Moines incorporate green infrastructure elements into a proposed streetscape plan for a 1-mile segment of 6th Avenue.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Frankfort, Kentucky
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Frankfort enhance the Second Street corridor between the historic downtown and the state capitol.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Helena, Montana
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Helena improve Last Chance Gulch, a street that connects the Helena business district with the historic downtown.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Indianapolis, Indiana
Report on the Greening America’s Capitals project to help Indianapolis enhance the walkability of streets and revitalize public plazas in and around the Market Square Redevelopment Area.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Opportunities to Advance Sustainability in California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program (PDF) (47pp, 766 K, About PDF)
Describes a pilot project to help the state direct resources to projects that support sustainable communities.

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Water and Green Infrastructure




Maryland Clean Water State Revolving Fund Sustainable Communities Pilot Project Report
Describes how EPA worked with Maryland's Clean Water State Revolving Fund program to consider ways to focus resources in existing communities and infrastructure systems to leverage past investments and support sustainable communities.

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Water and Green Infrastructure




Greening America's Capitals: Jackson, Mississippi
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Jackson develop design concepts that use green technologies and infrastructure for Congress Street (where the state capitol is located) and two public parks along the street.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Lincoln, Nebraska
Report on the Greening America's Capitals project to help Lincoln develop an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable vision for the South Capital area and design options to achieve it.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Montgomery, Alabama
Report on the Greening America's Capitals project to help Montgomery develop design options for a segment of the Selma to Montgomery Civil Rights Trail as it runs through a historic, diverse neighborhood.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Phoenix, Arizona
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Phoenix develop options to improve the streetscape of Lower Grand Avenue, making it more environmentally, pedestrian-, and bicycle-friendly while maintaining the neighborhood's artistic character.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Washington, D.C.
Report on the Greening America's Capitals project to help Washington, D.C., create a plan for the streets and intersections around the Anacostia Metro Station.

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Water and Green Infrastructure

Washington, D.C.

Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Boston, Massachusetts
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Boston develop a comprehensive vision for redesigning City Hall Plaza to improve its environmental performance and its appeal as a public space.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Charleston, West Virginia
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Charleston explore options to redesign Slack Plaza to make it a great public space and a multimodal transportation hub.

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Water and Green Infrastructure

West Virginia

Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Hartford, Connecticut
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Hartford re-imagine a mile-long corridor by improving public spaces and adding green streets features.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Jefferson City, Missouri
Report from the Greening America's Capitals project to help Jefferson City develop options to restore Wears Creek and transform the Millbottom area near Missouri's state capitol.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Greening America's Capitals: Little Rock, Arkansas
Report on the Greening America's Capitals project to help Little Rock envision improvements to its Main Street corridor.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Water Quality Scorecard: Incorporating Green Infrastructure Practices at the Municipal, Neighborhood, and Site Scale
Offers policy options for protecting and improving water quality across different scales of land use and across multiple municipal departments. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-B-09-001.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities
Builds on existing smart growth principles to offer 10 specific development guidelines for coastal and waterfront communities, along with tools, techniques, and examples. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-K-09-001.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Protecting Water Quality with Smart Growth Strategies and Natural Stormwater Management in Sussex County, Delaware
Report from the EPA-NOAA technical assistance project to help Sussex County find options for development that will better protect water quality as the county grows.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Stormwater Management Handbook: Implementing Green Infrastructure in Northern Kentucky Communities
Report from the EPA technical assistance project to help Sanitation District No. 1 of Northern Kentucky find options for development that protect water quality and improve communities.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


How Can Wells Grow and Protect Depot Brook?
Report from the EPA-NOAA technical assistance project to help the town of Wells, Maine, find options for development that protects Depot Brook.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Technical Assistance Report


Protecting Water Resources with Higher-Density Development
Helps communities better understand the impacts of higher and lower density development on water resources. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-06-001.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Growing Toward More Efficient Water Use: Linking Development, Infrastructure, and Drinking Water Policies
Focuses on the relationships among development patterns, water use, and the cost of water delivery, and includes policy options for states, localities, and utilities that reduce the cost and demand for water while indirectly promoting smarter growth. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 230-R-06-001.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Solving Environmental Problems Through Collaboration: A Case Study of the New York City Watershed Partnership (PDF) (2 pp, 40 K, About PDF)
Summary of a partnership to protect the drinking water supply of 9 million people while promoting economic viability and preserving the social character of the communities in the upstate watershed.

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Water and Green Infrastructure

New York

Fact Sheet


Stormwater Guidelines for Green, Dense Redevelopment
City of Emeryville, California.
Geared specifically to developers and designers, these guidelines offer ways to meet requirements to treat stormwater from development projects.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Grant Product


Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater Best Management Practices
Reviews nine common smart growth techniques and how they can help prevent or manage stormwater runoff.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Sewage Facilities and Land Development Exit
10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania.
Examines growth trends to determine what effect land use and sewage-facility policies have on these trends.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Grant Product


Growth and Water Resources (2 pp, 200 K, About PDF)
Explains how land use affects water resources and offers resources and tools for communities.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Fact Sheet


Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth
Includes 75 policies that communities can use to grow in the way that they want while protecting their water quality. To order hard copies, email nscep@bps-lmit.com or call (800) 490-9198 and request EPA 231-R-04-002.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



Smart Growth for Clean Water (PDF) (66 pp, 6 M, About PDF) Exit
National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals, Trust for Public Land, ERG.
Offers ideas for using smart growth to advance clean water goals based on the experiences of communities across the nation.

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Water and Green Infrastructure


Grant Product


Potential Roles for Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs in Smart Growth Initiatives (PDF) (15 pp, 1.1 M, About PDF)
Describes options for states to use their Clean Water State Revolving Funds to support more environmentally sound growth and development.

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Water and Green Infrastructure



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