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Smart Growth

Building the Comprehensive Community: Traditional Neighborhood Development for Porter County, Indiana

Building the Comprehensive Community: Traditional Neighborhood Development for Porter County, Indiana (2007) describes the EPA-NOAA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance for Coastal Communities project in Porter County, Indiana. 

Porter County was working to approve a Unified Development Ordinance that would be the single point of reference for land development in the county. To help ensure developers, planners, and residents would know what to expect from development, the Plan Commission sought assistance with a traditional neighborhood development design guideline to supplement the Unified Development Ordinance's text and information.

The consultant team worked with local stakeholders, developers, staff, and the public to develop the design guideline. The guideline focused on building types, open space types, street types, requirements for regulating plans, block configurations, and street layout. The team produced renderings of a sample traditional neighborhood development site plan that could be built nearly anywhere in the county and developed a full description of what is expected from a developer. The report was submitted to the community as a set of elements to consider as elected officials approve the Unified Development Ordinance.

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