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Smart Growth

Gateways Revitalization Strategy

Gateways Revitilization Strategies

Residents and public officials of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, envision a county where existing urban centers are hubs of commerce and population. Current traffic and parking standards limit the county's ability to achieve this vision. The county used an EPA grant in 2003 to implement a neighborhood revitalization strategy that promotes investment in its historic urban centers and changes parking and traffic standards, removing barriers to smart growth and brownfield redevelopment.

The Gateways plan was created to:

  • Reconnect various areas of the community through a coherent and cohesive visioning and land use plan.
  • Revitalize the economic base by recycling industrial land consistent with job-producing opportunities tied to clean growth industries.
  • Improve and build on infrastructure and public-private partnerships that will help attract a variety of uses needed to support residents, prospective employers, and visitors.
  • Strengthen opportunities to retain current residents and attract infill development in the form of new, mixed-use development that will enhance the sense of community.

The county approved the plan in May 2007.

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