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Smart Growth

Stimulating Infill and Brownfield Development in the Land-of-Sky Region

The Land-of-Sky Regional Council Exit received EPA grant funding in 2005 to support community efforts to integrate smart growth principles and practices into brownfield redevelopment, specifically to examine the regulatory climate for redevelopment of brownfield, infill, and vacant properties.

In this project, the Land-of-Sky Regional Council analyzed the barriers to infill and brownfield redevelopment in its four-county region in western North Carolina and proposed a set of possible policy solutions for overcoming the barriers identified during the analysis.

The study, Stimulating Infill and Brownfield Development in the Land-of-Sky Region (2006), discusses each of the barriers and presents a set of solutions that could be adopted as policy. In addition, the study shows how some of the municipalities in the Land-of-Sky region have already moved towards improving the regulatory climate for infill and brownfield redevelopment.

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