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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

Reporting to TRI for Facilities

The information you need to begin the TRI reporting process is available by following the links in the sections below. Click on any of the section headings to begin or + Expand All.

  • Does my facility need to report to the TRI Program?
    • If a facility meets all three of the TRI reporting criteria, it must report to the TRI Program.
    • The TRI Threshold Tool can help you determine if your facility meets these criteria. For additional assistance, please contact the TRI Information Center at 1-800-424-93246 (select option #3 from the menu).
  • What's new for Reporting Year 2014?
    • Watch our March webinar or read a summary to find out about RY 2014 changes
    • New TRI chemical: A final rule published on November 7, 2013 (78 FR 66848), added o-nitrotoluene to the list of chemicals subject to TRI reporting requirements. This chemical is eligible for reporting in RY 2014.
    • Facilities may now use TRI-MEweb to update facility location and contact information without having to submit a TRI reporting form. Facilities can also indicate that they will no longer be reporting to TRI, or will not be submitting a form for one or more specific TRI-listed chemicals for the current reporting year.
    • In Section 5.3, you may optionally enter the 14-digit reach code assigned to each receiving water body by the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).
    • Beginning in RY 2014, you must indicate whether the ratio you are reporting in Section 8.9 is a production ratio or an activity ratio.
    • Beginning in RY 2014, you may provide an optional percentage range indicating the estimated annual reduction in chemical waste generation associated with any source reduction activity(s) you have reported in Section 8.10. If you choose to complete this field, the reductions associated with your pollution prevention efforts will be featured on EPA’s website through the TRI Pollution Prevention Search Tool at www.epa.gov/tri/p2
    • Beginning in RY 2014, TRI-MEweb will provide a pick-list of categories that you may use to report barriers your facility faces with respect to source reduction in Section 8.11.
    • Beginning in RY 2014, you can provide additional information for one or more specific topics by selecting from a pick-list of topics provided by TRI-MEweb in Section 8.11 and Section 9.1. Sections 8.11 and 9.1 will be displayed as a table of comments on different topics rather than as single textboxes.
    • The Form R includes several labeling changes that are not associated with any changes to reporting requirements.
    • Default percentages are provided for removal and destruction rates of toxic chemicals sent to POTWs, based on experimental and estimated data. These percentages are automatically pre-loaded into TRI-MEweb to assist with Section 8 calculations, but may be overridden if the facility has better information on the final disposition of the chemical readily available.
  • What is the general process for preparing and submitting my facility's TRI forms to EPA and the appropriate state or tribal contact?
    1. Familiarize yourself with the Basics of TRI Reporting and the Reporting Forms and Instructions (RFI) document.
    2. Learn about the TRI-MEweb reporting application and register for a Central Data Exchange (CDX) user account.
    3. Find out if your state or the tribe in whose Indian country your facility is located participates in the TRI Data Exchange (TDX).
    4. Submit your facility's TRI reporting form(s) by July 1 of each year for the previous calendar year's activities.
    5. Verify the information submitted for your facility using the electronic facility data profile (eFDP) functionality within TRI-MEweb. (Once the data are made public, you can also view them in Envirofacts.)
  • What TRI reporting assistance is available?
  • How will my facility's TRI data be used by EPA?
    • Your facility's data will be available to the public in various data access tools, such as TRI Explorer, and in downloadable data files on the TRI website.
    • Your facility's data will also be used to develop the TRI National Analysis, an annual report displaying EPA's analysis and interpretation of the most recent TRI data.
    • EPA also highlights pollution prevention (P2) accomplishments reported by facilities. Watch the video below to learn about the benefits of reporting optional P2 information.
  • What steps are taken to ensure that TRI data reported by facilities are correct?
    • In addition to the data quality checks built into the TRI-MEweb reporting software, the TRI Program conducts many activities throughout each year to ensure the quality of the TRI data reported to EPA.
  • What should I know about TRI compliance and enforcement?
    • Reporting is required under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and Section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act.
      • If you discover that your facility should have been reporting to TRI in previous years, please begin by referring to EPA's Audit Policy, "Incentives for Self-Policing: Discovery, Disclosure, Correction, and Prevention of Violations."
      • If you have 100 or fewer employees and discover that your facility should have been reporting to TRI in previous years but did not, please refer to EPA's Small Business Compliance Policy.
    • Read more about TRI Compliance and Enforcement
    • Find TRI Laws, Rulemakings and Notices
  • Can I revise or withdraw my facility's TRI submission(s)?
    • Facilities may request a revision in order to revise a TRI submission to reflect improved or new information and/or improved or new procedures which were not available when the facility was completing its original submission.
    • Facilities may request a withdrawal of their TRI submission(s) for qualifying reasons.
    • Please see the TRI-MEweb Tutorials for instructions on how to revise or withdraw a submission.