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Technology Transfer Network
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

Particulate Matter (PM) Standards


December 3, 2014 - EPA has initiated the next review of the PM NAAQS by issuing a call for information on recent research relating to the health and welfare effects of PM. In addition, EPA will hold a public workshop on February 9-11, 2015 to discuss policy-relevant issues and questions that will frame the review.


The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set national air quality standards for particulate matter and five other pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment (the other pollutants are ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and lead). The law also requires EPA to periodically review the standards to ensure that they provide adequate health and environmental protection, and to update those standards as necessary. Learn more about this process

Basic Information, Fact Sheets, and Other Information

Summary of Current NAAQS Table

Contact: Scott Jenkins

Documents from Current Review

  • Planning Documents
  • Integrated Science Assessments
  • Risk and Exposure Assessments
  • Policy Assessments
  • Other Technical Documents
  • CASAC Documents
  • Federal Register Notices
  • Response to Comments Document
  • Regulatory Impact Analysis
  • Litigation

Documents from Review Completed in 2012

Documents from Review Completed in 2006

Documents from Review Completed in 1997

Table of Historical PM NAAQS

Air Quality Index

Plain Language Information About Pollutant


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