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Welcome to FLETC

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) mission is “We train those who protect our homeland.” To carry out this mission, the FLETC serves as an interagency law enforcement training organization for 91 federal agencies or Partner Organizations. The FLETC also provides training to state, local, rural, tribal, territorial, and international law enforcement agencies. During FY 2012, almost 70,000 students received FLETC training. Since it was established in 1970, approximately 1,000,000 law enforcement officers and agents have been trained at FLETC. Although the FLETC trains officers and agents from all federal departments and all three branches of government, it is a component of the Department of Homeland Security.


As an interagency training organization, the FLETC has the finest professionals from diverse backgrounds serving as faculty and staff. Approximately one-third of the instructor staff are permanent FLETC employees. The remainder of the cadre is comprised of federal officers and investigators who are on short-term assignments from their parent organizations or who recently retired from the field. This mix of permanent, detailed, and recently retired staff provides an appropriate balance of training expertise, recent operational experience, and fresh insight from the field.


The FLETC is headquartered at Glynco, Ga., near the port city of Brunswick, halfway between Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla. In addition to Glynco, the FLETC operates other residential training centers in Artesia, N.M., and Charleston, S.C. The FLETC also conducts training at a non-residential facility in Cheltenham, Md. The Cheltenham center is primarily intended for use by agencies with large concentrations of personnel in the Washington, D.C., area. The FLETC maintains an office in Orlando, Fla., which provides a gateway to the technology and training expertise within a nationally recognized hub for simulation and training. 


Since 1995, the FLETC has participated in the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) Program. Over the years, academies have been established in Hungary, Thailand, Botswana, and El Salvador. The FLETC contributes academic, program, and operational support to the ILEAs, including instructors for the ILEA’s core and specialized programs, and the Director at ILEA Gaborone and the Deputy Director at ILEA Bangkok.


Announcing the New and Improved Blue Campaign

Blue Campaign

Jul 12, 2013
FLETC in the News
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Presents Honor Graduate of the Year Award to Deputy U.S. Marshal
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Hosts Navy League
FLETC Battling Sequestration
Most Requested
Did you Know?
Approximately 70,000 students attend a FLETC Program each year.