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White House at night

Many Miles to Campaign and Promises Not to Keep

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Monday, July 21, 2014

Before the world seemingly came off its hinges (truth is the first casualty of war, not Democratic fundraisers), there was the matter of presidential linguistics – specifically, Barack Obama’s overuse of the first-person singular.

Cleveland Rocks – In 2016

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

And so the Republican National Committee has recommended Cleveland as the host site for the 2016 Republican National Committee.

an image

7 Questions For 7/7

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Monday, July 7, 2014

As we mark the seventh day of the seventh month of this election year, here are seven questions to ponder.

Hillary Clinton official Secretary of State portrait

Money Doesn’t Buy Love Nor Does It Sell Memoirs

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Monday, June 30, 2014

You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can judge an author by his or her book sales. In which case, Hillary Clinton has a problem on her pen-cramped hands.

Mississippi state flag

Mississippi Turning

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Sunday, June 22, 2014

This weekend saw the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. Tuesday – and a statewide election in Mississippi – brings to close another chapter in what may be the longest saga in Republican politics: rival party factions at war.

US Political Parties

The New McCarthyism for House Republicans

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Somewhere, wherever it is that politicians wind up in the next life, Frank Wheeler Mondell isn’t happy.

US Ballot Box Image

Being a Republican Governor Isn’t Always Bright and Gay

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Monday, June 16, 2014

Here’s one way to lay odds on the next Republican presidential nominee winning in November 2016: check their employment history.

Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader

Down Goes The Leader

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Takeaways from Tuesday’s surprise in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, where House Majority Leader Eric Cantor became the highest-ranking incumbent to surrender his seat since then-House Speaker Tom Foley was ousted in the 1994 GOP landslide.

American Flags

They Still Brew Tea In Mississippi, Don’t They?

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Sunday, June 8, 2014

History shows that America’s Civil War reached a peaceful settlement on Palm Sunday, 1865, in a comfortable country house in Appomattox, Virginia, a railroad depot about 90 miles west of the capital of the Confederacy.

Washington Welcomes A New Castro Regime

by Bill Whalenvia Advancing a Free Society
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Breaking news out of the nation’s capital this weekend: the Obama Administration has tapped San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to run the federal Department of Housing and Urban


Advancing a Free Society is the Hoover Institution’s institutional blog.  It serves as a platform for original brief analysis that clarifies and enlightens.