United States

The United States Program of Human Rights Watch protects and promotes the fundamental rights and dignity of every person subject to the authority of the US government. We investigate and expose systemic human rights violations committed by the US federal, state and local governments, particularly in three priority areas: criminal justice, immigration, and national security. We prioritize issues affecting vulnerable populations, especially those that are likely to have difficulty vindicating their rights through the political process or in the courts, such as the poor, racial, ethnic and religious minorities, prisoners, immigrants, and children. Our investigations become the basis for strategic advocacy to press those in power to effect changes in laws and policies to respect fundamental rights.

Take Action

Protect "Dreamers" from deportation

Protect "Dreamers" from deportation

Trump announced he will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which shields young immigrants like Angie who were raised in the US from being deported. He may push Congress to trade protection for “Dreamers” for enacting other parts of his agenda to ramp up the government's broken and abusive enforcement efforts. President Trump wants to build more detention centers, and hire thousands more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Tell Congress that immigrant youth matter and are not bargaining chips. Tell your representative to protect “Dreamers” AND block Trump’s request for additional immigration enforcement funds.