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The Misery of Riches

The Misery of Riches

07. 4.2013
I wasn't sure whether it was because he had a grand plan for the binkies, and I'd put the kibosh on it, or if it was simply a matter of...
Can We Please Stop Talking About Stay-at-home vs. Working Mothers?

Can We Please Stop Talking About Stay-at-home vs. Working Mothers?

07. 3.2013
We have got to stop talking about stay-at-home vs. working mothers as if it were some sort of debate, as if it were the central issue of...
A Birthday Tradition

A Birthday Tradition

07. 3.2013
I had a few minutes alone with my baby this morning, feeding him a bottle. As we sat there, quiet and cuddly, I found myself telling him...
Lizzie Aldrich: One Career Path to Happiness

Lizzie Aldrich: One Career Path to Happiness

07. 2.2013
As I sit in my current shoes, seven months pregnant with my second child, I look back over my career path and decisions with satisfaction....
The Movie Quote That Changed How I See My Son

The Movie Quote That Changed How I See My Son

07. 2.2013
I have grieved for myself, for the life I could have had. For the woman I could have been. But I have never grieved for the child I was...
A Digital Family Shoebox of Summer Memories....

A Digital Family Shoebox of Summer Memories....

07. 2.2013
This summer, instead of letting the kids overdose on laptop gaming during their down time, my husband and I are going to DO THINGS with...
7 New Mom Tips for Kim Kardashian

7 New Mom Tips for Kim Kardashian

07. 1.2013
Motherhood is the great way to level the playing field. Status doesn't matter. Money doesn't matter. Kids need attention, time and love....
Culturing My Kids, Episode 2

Culturing My Kids, Episode 2

07. 1.2013
Instead of a tourist with a guide book and suitcase of wash and wear, I would have to be more like Sir Richard Burton, packing to explore...
What I Wish I Knew Before I Brought My Baby Home

What I Wish I Knew Before I Brought My Baby Home

07. 1.2013
Basically every person a pregnant women meets has some idea or tip about what you should and shouldn't do with your baby. When I was pregnant,...

Improving Breastfeeding at Work: Is it Possible?

07. 1.2013
By Jessica Avery I never felt that I was meant to be a mother. Growing up, I changed career interests as often as my friends were...
Mother, Writer, Gypsy, Queen

Mother, Writer, Gypsy, Queen

07. 1.2013
Writing and motherhood are at odds with one another. Not because writers are inherently bad parents, but because writing and mothering...
5 Questions For Parents Of College-Aged Kids

5 Questions For Parents Of College-Aged Kids

07. 1.2013
When your child brings a boyfriend or girlfriend home to visit, what should the sleeping arrangements be? Let's be honest -- even if they...
Why I Still Talk To My Girls About Beauty

Why I Still Talk To My Girls About Beauty

I totally get the impulse to want to shun the topic, because the topic brings a lot of people a lot of pain. But, not talking about it...
'Can I Just Relax, Mom?'

'Can I Just Relax, Mom?'

I had mumbled something to the twins about their excessive X-Box use or texting, asking them when they were going to turn it off and work...