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3 Bedtime Habits That Are Stressing You Out

3 Bedtime Habits That Are Stressing You Out

Leta Shy  07. 7.2013
Bad news, restless sleepers: your nightly session of disjointed z's may be leading to more anxiety and stress during the day, according...
Bad News About Belly Fat For Men

Bad News About Belly Fat For Men

07. 6.2013
Understanding with greater specificity the health and lifestyle conditions that may increase risk of sleep apnea can lead to better screening...
These Classic Bedtime Stories Will Help You Sleep Like A Baby

These Classic Bedtime Stories Will Help You Sleep Like A Baby

07. 5.2013
The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul...
3 Ways to Kick Back This Holiday to Surge Ahead

3 Ways to Kick Back This Holiday to Surge Ahead

07. 4.2013
How are you going to kick back this holiday to surge ahead? I hope you encounter the individuals and situations that support you.
WATCH: Is Snacking Before Bed <em>All</em> Bad?

WATCH: Is Snacking Before Bed All Bad?

07. 4.2013
Recent research suggests that night owls are at increased risk for gaining weight because they're likely to snack late while they're up...
Another Big Health Reason To Get A Good Night's Sleep

Another Big Health Reason To Get A Good Night's Sleep

Carolyn Gregoire  07. 3.2013
Sleep has been called the "third pillar" of health, in addition to diet and exercise, and recent research is shedding light on just how...
Attacking The Sleep Conspiracy

Attacking The Sleep Conspiracy

By HBR IdeaCast  |   9:20 AM July 2, 2013  07. 3.2013
An interview with Russell Sanna, executive director of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Working The Night Shift For A Long Time Could Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Working The Night Shift For A Long Time Could Raise Breast Cancer Risk

07. 3.2013
Long-term shift work is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer for women, according to a new study. Researchers from Queen's University...
People With SAD Have Sleep Misperceptions Similar To Insomniacs

People With SAD Have Sleep Misperceptions Similar To Insomniacs

07. 2.2013
People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have similar types of misperceptions about sleep as people with insomnia, according to a...
The Reason For Weight Gain From Sleep Deprivation: We Eat <em>All The Snacks</em>

The Reason For Weight Gain From Sleep Deprivation: We Eat All The Snacks

07. 1.2013
If your nighttime routine includes a super-late bedtime, you may be at risk for some extra weight gain, according to a new study. The likely...
10 Of The Best Yoga Poses For Sleep (PHOTOS)

10 Of The Best Yoga Poses For Sleep (PHOTOS)

Carolyn Gregoire  06.30.2013
Sleep deprivation and stress can be a vicious cycle. We often have trouble falling sleep because we're worried and anxious, and in turn,...
A Link Between Insomnia And PTSD?

A Link Between Insomnia And PTSD?

Soldiers with a history of trouble sleeping may have a higher risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study suggests. Researchers...
All Your Sleep Problems, Solved

All Your Sleep Problems, Solved

By Aviva Patz In theory, getting a good night's sleep is simple: Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, exercise regularly,...

Sleep During Divorce in 3 Peaceful Steps

Sleep is one of our most precious resources, yet a good night's sleep can be hard to come by during divorce.