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WATCH: 5 Big Myths About Gluten-Free Eating...Busted!

WATCH: 5 Big Myths About Gluten-Free Eating...Busted!

Jacqueline Howard  05.20.2013
Here's what researchers know for sure: going on a gluten-free diet if you have an intolerance, such as celiac disease, is beneficial. But...
BUSTED: Four Big Myths About Female Attractiveness

BUSTED: Four Big Myths About Female Attractiveness

Jacqueline Howard  05.13.2013
"Beauty" is how we appreciate the world. It’s what attracts us to each other, and quite frankly, scientists suggest it's biologically...
WATCH: 'Body Hacking' May Boost Athletic Power

WATCH: 'Body Hacking' May Boost Athletic Power

Jacqueline Howard  05. 6.2013
Will the athletes of the future be scientifically optimized superhumans? It's not as far out as you might think. Surgery, blood augmentation,...
WATCH: Are We Risking Our Own Extinction?

WATCH: Are We Risking Our Own Extinction?

Bianca Bosker  04.29.2013
Technology is risky business. At least, that's what some scientists fear: the proposed Center for the Study of Existential Risk at the...
WATCH: Will We Bond With Bots?

WATCH: Will We Bond With Bots?

Bianca Bosker  04.19.2013
We often think of robots as merely assembly-line tools meant for physical labor. But they're capable of much more than that: like companionship,...
WATCH: Human-Robot Interaction, Explained

WATCH: Human-Robot Interaction, Explained

If a squat, cardboard-framed robot with a high-pitched voice started asking you questions, would you answer it? Would you share your troubles?...
WATCH: Beloved Dino's Mistaken Identity

WATCH: Beloved Dino's Mistaken Identity

Cara Santa Maria  04.15.2013
What happened to the Brontosaurus? The beloved dinosaur has been a part of numerous museum exhibits and a big part of pop culture. But...
COUNTDOWN: This Week's Top Science Stories

COUNTDOWN: This Week's Top Science Stories

Cara Santa Maria  04.13.2013
Human evolution, solar flares, and the Big Bang all made headlines this week. But did you miss the news? Don't worry -- I was able to...
WATCH: Your DNA Contributes To Humanity's Story

WATCH: Your DNA Contributes To Humanity's Story

Cara Santa Maria  04. 8.2013
Our human lineage is not actually linear. In fact, it's more of a branching tree, telling the story of our origins in Africa and our migrations...
COUNTDOWN: Top Stories In Science This Week

COUNTDOWN: Top Stories In Science This Week

Cara Santa Maria  04. 6.2013
From the lightest material on Earth to elusive dark matter, many fascinating science stories made headlines this week. I was able to...
WATCH: Snake Venom: Curse & Cure?

WATCH: Snake Venom: Curse & Cure?

Cara Santa Maria  04. 1.2013
Venom in the animal kingdom often is used for hunting -- it slows down prey, changes its scent for easier tracking, and essentially digests...
COUNTDOWN: Hottest Science Stories This Week

COUNTDOWN: Hottest Science Stories This Week

Cara Santa Maria  03.30.2013
From body hacking to a two-headed bull shark, I recently had the chance to reveal some of the hottest science news that made headlines...
WATCH: 'Hacking' Bodies For Superhuman Senses

WATCH: 'Hacking' Bodies For Superhuman Senses

Cara Santa Maria  03.25.2013
For thousands of years, people have been modifying their bodies. But have you ever thought about extending your senses beyond the limits...
WATCH: Deep-Freezing For Life After Death

WATCH: Deep-Freezing For Life After Death

Cara Santa Maria  03.18.2013
It's been said that nothing in this world is certain, except death and taxes. But what if you could freeze your body immediately after...