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April 21, 2013
Marian Wright Edelman

'We Must Never Give Up!'

President, Children's Defense Fund

The United States Senate's failure to pass common sense gun safety measures is a moral failure of great magnitude. We must stop this relentless war against our children and dethrone the NRA whose reign obstructs what 90 percent of Americans want.

Dem Senator Calls GOP Idea 'Unconstitutional'

Dianne Feinstein

Lack Of Trust Drives Conservative Opposition To Rubio Push

Conservatives Immigration Reform

GOPers Already Nervous About Open Senate Seat

Georgia 2014 Senate

GETTING SMOKED: Lawmakers Who Are More 'Evolved' Than Obama On Pot


Prominent Newspaper Makes Its Pick For Kerry's Senate Seat

Boston Globe Ed Markey

Governor: We Still Don't Know Why This Happened

Deval Patrick Boston Marathon

Mayor Believes Suspects Acted Alone

GOP Newsletter Floats Idea Of Shooting Lawmakers

Chris Nogy Arkansas

Guessing Game Begins As Clock Ticks On Big Perry Move

Rick Perry

Dem Senators: Suspect Should Face Death Penalty

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Death Penalty

Police Commissioner: Suspects May Have Been Planning More Attacks

Ed Davis

'Time To Bring All The 11 Million Out Of The Shadows'

Immigration Reform Boston Bombings

GOP Rep Raises Questions About Suspect's Travel

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Russia

'You've Got To Be A Jackass To Be Voting Against Background Checks'

Al Damato Background Checks

GOP Senator: FBI 'Dropped The Ball'

Lindsey Graham Fbi

Republicans' Hypocrisy Exposed

Ted Cruz Bill Flores Aid

Dems Crush Republican Rivals

House Democrats Fundraising

GOP Senators: 'We Do Not Want This Suspect To Remain Silent'

Boston Enemy Combatant

State GOP Lawmaker Suggests Using 'Torture' On Boston Bombings 'Punk'

Greg Ball Torture

13 People Who Are Dead Because Of America's Futile War On Drugs

War On Drugs 420

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Another Bachmann Staffer Breaks Silence Over Controversy

Andy Parrish Michele Bachmann

Boston To Observe Moment Of Silence

Boston Moment Of Silence

NRA Dealt Serious Blow

Adolphus Busch Iv Resigns

State Rep Addresses 'Regret' Over Eyebrow-Raising Boston Message

Nate Bell Gun Comment

You Won't Believe How Much The U.S. Spends Keeping Pot Illegal

Marijuana Prohibition Costs

Meet The Horrifying Demon That Has Crept Into Our School System

Sir Ken Robinson

Clinton Warning On Obama Proved True

Hillary Clinton

Suicide Prevention Project Focuses On Gun Shops

The Gun Shop Project

Public Defenders To Represent Bombing Suspect

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Defenders