Congrats to Patrick Bregger for becoming the 5th person in MobyGames history to reach 100,000 points!

World of Tanks (Windows)

Published by
Developed by
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.

Release dates, publisher and developer information for this game listed by platform:


United States flag United States, Austria flag Austria, Belgium flag Belgium, Bulgaria flag Bulgaria, Canada flag Canada, Croatia flag Croatia, Cyprus flag Cyprus, Czech Republic flag Czech Republic, Denmark flag Denmark, Estonia flag Estonia, Finland flag Finland, France flag France, Germany flag Germany, Greece flag Greece, Hungary flag Hungary, Iceland flag Iceland, Ireland flag Ireland, Italy flag Italy, Latvia flag Latvia, Lithuania flag Lithuania, Luxembourg flag Luxembourg, Macedonia flag Macedonia, Malta flag Malta, Mexico flag Mexico, The Netherlands flag The Netherlands, Norway flag Norway, Poland flag Poland, Portugal flag Portugal, Romania flag Romania, Serbia flag Serbia, Slovakia flag Slovakia, Slovenia flag Slovenia, South Africa flag South Africa, Spain flag Spain, Sweden flag Sweden, Switzerland flag Switzerland, Ukraine flag Ukraine, United Kingdom flag United Kingdom
Release Date
Apr 12, 2011
Download release
Germany flag Germany
Release Date
Jul 21, 2012
GameStar XL 09/2012 covermount
Patch History
May 17, 2011
v.0.6.4 - various bug fixes and balance improvements

Release dates and company information contributed by Patrick Bregger (100109)