April 2010


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Faces, Feelings and Lies

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The Ethics of Torture

Is water-boarding torture?  If it is, does that make it wrong?  Always?  Usually?  What is torture, and why is it always, usually, or sometimes wrong?

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On Being a Wife

What is a wife?  From a philosophical point of view, it looks like the word `wife’ is a predicate and so should stand for a condition, presumably one that humans meet or don't meet  at times.  And so the first question is, which condition?  And then the next questions would be about the importance of the property, its relation to issues of equality, social structure and the like.

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What is a Wife?

   Our topic this week is "What is a wife?"  Now we know that that may sound like a sexist question, at least at first.  Why focus just on wives?  What about husbands? And what about homosexual marriages?  Why not be gender-neutral and politically correct?  Why not ask: what is a spouse?


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