

What is allowed in /r/Movies?

Movie News and Discussion Regarding Major Motion Pictures.

A “Major Motion Picture” has a verifiable for-profit theatrical distributor. Moderators reserve the right to remove student, charity, indie and vanity projects - we recommend you submit to /r/filmmakers, a subreddit devoted to smaller-scale production. Films getting attention from the entertainment press may be exempted from this rule at the moderators’ discretion.

/r/movies hosts a broad range of content and serves over three million subscribers. We curate content in order to maintain a consistent quality across all content types. The rules we use - and the rules we program Automoderator to enforce - are listed below. Please note that we reserve the right to remove any content that we judge lacking in quality, regardless of the requirements listed.

ENCOURAGED: Articles, Questions & Discussions about movies.

PERMITTED: Movie trailers, posters, scenes and recommendations.

CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED: Fan art, AMAs, Box office reports & analysis, infographics, parodies, reviews, casting and development news.

CONDITIONALLY PROHIBITED: Mundane artifacts (things you own/saw/found), images, image collections and reposts

PROHIBITED: Piracy & Piracy discussion, gossip, rumors, ambiguous and editorial titles, advertising, memes, circlejerk topics, misinformation

INSTANT BAN: Hatespeech, flame wars/flagrant antagonism, intentional spoilers


1. Articles - ENCOURAGED

/r/Movies defines “articles” as essays, reports, or interviews regarding films past or present. Celebrity gossip will be removed. The moderators reserve the right to define “gossip” on a case-by-case basis. The moderators further reserve the right to remove articles for relevance and quality of content, although we don't pull this card often. New things come up though.

Our subscribers prefer descriptive titles. “George Lucas Interview” will be removed (if it hasn’t been downvoted to oblivion first). “George Lucas expresses regret for creating Jar Jar Binks” would be a great, descriptive title if it were true. If your submission contains a quote from a source, it may be removed as quotes are often used out of context or otherwise in a misleading manner to the point of the article.

SUBMISSIONS IN ALL CAPS will be removed, or any god-awful ==Click Here For Terrible Anscii Design== titles.

2. Questions and discussions about movies, cinema & filmmaking - ENCOURAGED

Certain redundant questions may be removed at the moderators’ discretion. Some are removed automatically. "What's your favorite movie?" "Can you recommend a movie for me to watch tonight?" "What's your favorite twist in a movie?" and more are discussed in our FAQ, updated annually. The moderators reserve the right to remove questions in order to preserve the quality of discussion for our subscribers.

Do NOT ask a question while linking to a website. For example, don't link to The Big Lebowski's imdb page with the submission title "Who else loves The Big Lebowski?" When asking a question, make it a self post.

3. Movie Trailers - PERMITTED

Official trailers are allowed, on that studio or project’s official youtube channel (where possible - some official channels are listed below). TV spots are not permitted. Fan trailers must be labeled as "fan made" and must be original. Trailers for films past their theatrical and home release windows may be hosted anywhere.

Link-jacking (re-hosting for monetary gain) and reposting (re-hosting for Reddit karma) are grounds for removal. Moderators may remove duplicate posts. High quality streams are favored over low-quality streams. We have no prohibition against Apple or Vimeo trailers, but our subscribers have historically preferred Youtube.

Official Youtube Channels:

4. Movie Posters - PERMITTED

Official movie posters are allowed. Please host them on imgur and link to your source with a comment. Reposts and fan-made posters will be removed - we recommend you submit to the friendly community at /r/movieposterporn. Graphical and thematic analyses of movie posters are conditionally permitted at the moderators’ SOLE discretion. Interesting discoveries created for the edification of the community are encouraged. Photoshop hack-jobs created for easy karma will be removed.

5. Movie Scenes - PERMITTED

Youtube clips should be descriptively titled. “Goodfellas - The ‘How am I funny’ scene” is preferred over “Scene from Goodfellas” or “Why I love Joe Pesci.” Spoilers must be clearly stated in the title or the post will be removed.


Saw a film and want to recommend it to /r/movies? Feel free to link to the trailer on youtube or start a discussion about it. "Got a recommendation for you folks - Sweet Smell of Success - if you liked 12 Angry Men you'll probably really like this one" with a link to its trailer on youtube is 100% encouraged. Note that movies in theaters are likely to have been seen by many subscribers. We maintain weekly discussion threads for major releases.

Images of text (like the big lists from /tv/) are prohibited.

Announcements of Netflix Instant additions are prohibited. Please go to /r/NetflixBestof for those.

  • Use Imgur and attribute the source of the images within Imgur or the Reddit thread comments.

  • No screenshots or gifs of a film unless it explains an interesting element of filmmaking. A cameo appearance, a hidden joke, an Easter egg, or a "this scene is great" style post will not be allowed.

  • No screenshots of websites. This includes but is not limited to RottenTomatoes, Netflix, Imdb, Facebook and Twitter. Exceptions in the case of celebrity deaths.

  • No unofficial (leaked) set photos. /r/movies considers itself to be a citizen of the Entertainment ecosystem and shall never encourage nor reward anyone for whipping out a camera on a movie set just to grab a snapshot of a celeb/prop/etc.

  • Single images or imgur albums <5 of BTS (Behind the Scenes) photos are prohibited unless there's a good story or article behind it. Good: showing how rear-projection was used in Eyes Wide Shut. Bad: showing Steve McQueen talking to actors on set.

  • Pictures tweeted by filmmakers about their upcoming films are allowed, just please rehost them on imgur.

  • Image submissions regarding films pre-1960 are allowed, encouraged, and immune to nearly all rules.

  • Label the photos! Label the actors and movies involved please.


Fan art must be:

Your original work


Properly cited and credited


not posted for purpose of sale or commission


not a tired subject our readers have seen a million times. Drew a picture of Max Fischer from Rushmore? Feel free to post it! Drew a picture of the Dude from The Big Lebowski? Not so fast.

Plaigiarists will be banned. Reposts will be removed. Works for sale or for hire shall be banned and removed (advertising via Reddit Self-serve is simple and cheap and entirely encouraged).

The moderators reserve the right to remove for quality. More specialized subreddits (/r/kubrick, /r/lebowski, /r/movieposterporn) exist for “circlejerk” subjects (see below) and we encourage you to post your work there.

9. AMAs (“Ask Me Anything”s or interviews) - CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED

We welcome the participation of the moviemaking community in our subreddit. Please contact the mods before starting an AMA so that we may schedule it, announce it, assign it flair and otherwise facilitate it.

10. Box Office & Distribution Analysis - CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED

We allow box office reports sporadically (think one big wrap-up for a weekend), but most of that information should be relegated to /r/boxoffice. Discussions about piracy are prohibited, we're completely intolerant on this issue. /r/politics and /r/technology love to talk piracy news though. Discussions about Netflix or any other legal outlet are acceptable. Low-effort or "fluff" content (an image of Netflix's screwy recommendation with a title caption of "Good call, Netflix" for example) will be removed. Images of websites will be removed.


The moderators reserve the right to remove infographics we deem to be SEO fluff (graphics designed for upvotes, not information). Infographics should be informative and interesting.


Parodies (sweded trailers, re-enacted scenes, etc) that are not professional quality will be removed. Parodies about comic book movies are not allowed.


/r/moviecritic and /r/ijustwatched exist for movie reviews. Direct blog posts are prohibited. A self-post containing your review is encouraged; you are welcome to link to your blog within the text. Be aware that /r/movies considers the self promotion guidelines for participation carefully.

14. Casting & Development news - CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED

Official casting decisions, changes and announcements are permitted. Fan casting suggestions are not. Posts will be judged based on source credibility. Rumors, speculation and unsourced allegations are 100% forbidden. The moderators are the final authority on the credibility of sources reserve the right to distinguish between news and rumor.

15. Mundane artifacts - CONDITIONALLY PROHIBITED

“Things that you own” “things that you bought” and “things that you found” that are only interesting because they are owned, bought or found by you, including but not limited to:

DVD/BluRay collections Movie stub collections You and one or more celebrities Movie references (license plates, signs, etc) Posters you found/bought props you found/bought A movie set you visited/spied on A movie location you visited

...are prohibited. HOWEVER:

Photo-essays including context and back-story are viewed by us as “articles” and are subject to an article’s terms and conditions.

For example, if you visited Monument Valley and posted pictures of where you were next to reference pictures from a movie, as well as some sort of context about your trip & the film - that would be great! But please don't just post 5 pictures in an imgur album and call it a day. Submit that to /r/pics or another appropriate subreddit.


Albums meeting the definitions of “articles” or “infographics” will be judged as such. Albums that would be removed under other definitions will be removed. Note that if we suspect an image is a repost or an uncleared spy photo we will remove the post. The onus will be on you, as the poster, to verify authenticity or legality of all images. The moderators reserve the right to remove albums in order to maintain the quality of /r/movies.


Any content sourced from /r/movies within the past week shall be removed. Content repackaged in an Imgur album will be removed unless the content has been archived.

18. Comic Book Movie Information - CONDITIONALLY PROHIBITED

As per our news and subsequent feedback thread, anything that isn't official, hard-lined news about comic book movies will be removed. No featurettes, fan art, parodies, etc (full list in the announcement thread, although posters have been allowed back into the mix. We allow official news (announcements and castings), official trailers, and self-post discussions about the films themselves.

Reviews of comic book movies are allowed up until the weekend of the movies release, then removed starting the subsequent Monday. After that, only video reviews from channels that already have established subreddits will be allowed (dear christ we get so many reviews of comic book movies).

To be more clear:

The first clear, official character portraits are allowed. Official theatrical (not television nor international variants) are allowed. Posters are allowed once per movie. Casting notifications are allowed for the major players. Self-post analysis, dream castings, questions about backstories - nearly all self-posts are allowed. Fan art is not allowed. No parodies of comic book movies, alternate trailers, no comedic youtube reviews, etc.

Comic book movie information can be discussed freely at:

/r/comicbookmovies /r/marvelstudios /r/dccomics

19. Ambiguous Titles - PROHIBITED

We should know the subject of the submission without having to click on the link. Name the movie or actor. Think twice about using the word "this" without explaining what it is. Any attempt to mask the subject matter will be grounds for removal.

20. Piracy and Piracy Discussion - PROHIBITED

Do not advertise, promote, post or comment about illegal filesharing of movies or any other media here. This includes links to illegally uploaded youtube movies, braggin about where you got something for free, etc. If you want to discuss the affects of piracy on the industry, /r/technology is the place to do so.

21. Advertising - PROHIBITED

Keep the website's name out of the title of the submission. Shilling or spamming for any domain will result in a permanent ban of the domain as well as any accounts associated with it. Advertising via Reddit Self-serve is simple and cheap and entirely encouraged.

22. Title Editorialization - PROHIBITED

Do not provide your own editorial, a critic's summary, the Rotten Tomatoes score, or any other opinion regarding a movie in the submission title.

23. Memes - PROHIBITED

Dank or undank, all prohibited.

24. Circlejerk Topics - PROHIBITED

Redundant submissions devoid of new insight or discussion will be removed. Current circlejerk topics include: Christopher Nolan & his filmography, David Fincher & his filmography, Moon, In Bruges, Sunshine, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, 500 (Days) of (S)ummer, Stanley Kubrick & his filmography, Shawshank Redemption, The Big Lebowski, Quentin Tarantino & his filmography, Back to the Future, The Usual Suspects, 12 Angry Men, Children of Men, American Psycho, Drive, Joss Whedon & his filmography, Oldboy, and Primer.

More information here

25. Flagrant Antagonism - PROHIBITED

Flame wars, racism, discriminatory language & homophobic remarks may result in an instant ban.

26. Misinformation - PROHIBITED

Spoof/parody news isn't allowed. Misleading submission titles will be removed. Inaccurate information/poor citations/imdb trivia or wikipedia links will be removed.

27. Novelty Accounts and Bots - PROHIBITED

If a user is clearly a novelty account they will be removed. Bots are prohibited and will be banned on sight.

New circumstances arise and new rules can be made on the fly. None of this is congressional-court legalspeak, but we're real people with brains and civil discussion is possible.

28. A Note on Movie Discussion Threads

Movie Discussion threads have always been a way to centralize discussion about a popular film. It began way back with The Dark Knight Rises and continues this day through the hard work of mi-16evil, who has posted a discussion thread at least once a week for the past two years. These discussion threads are posted on the date of the United States release of the film, as the United States is our largest demographic. This is done as a courtesy to the users, and if anyone wishes to discuss a film that doesn't receive an "Official Discussion" thread, they are most welcome to make their own discussion on the film. Please don't label it "Official Discussion" though, just state what you want to talk about. For example, Let's talk Corky Romano, for those who have seen it already

"Official Discussions" are not reflective of any endorsement from the moderators, they're simply which film we think /r/Movies will be talking about that weekend.

The Big List of Movie Related Subreddits!

The moderators of /r/movies maintain a list of movie-related subreddits for your entertainment. With nearly four million subscribers, we are a clearing-house for all movie info. The niche subreddits for specific topics and subjects contain more information about a diverse range of subjects. Any subreddit listed in the list linked in the sidebar is recommended. Feel free to message the mods with any subreddit you feel should be added to the list.

The Reddit Cinema Arts Feed (26 subreddit conglomerate)

Movie Directory


True Film



Movie Critic

7 Films

Movie Suggestions

Movie Club

4 Sentence Movie Reviews

I Check Movies

Anime Reviews

Coming Soon

Underrated Movies

Plot Holes

Fan Theories

100 movies, 365 days

Classic Films

Foreign Movies

War Movies



Indie Cinema

Film Noir

Asian Films


Anime News


Live Action

Silent Cinema

Movies While High


Bad Movies

Exploitation Film

Lost Films

Obscure Media

Chinese TV

Kung Fu Cinema


Movie Musicals

Tip Of My Tongue

Guess The Movie


The Dark Knight Rises

Rocky Horror Picture Show


The Hobbit

James Bond

How to Tame your Dragon

The Adventures of Tintin

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Stanley Kubrick

Star Wars

Blade Runner

Back to the Future


Wizard of Oz

Movie Music

Film Score Porn

Film Scores

Film Music

Time Lapse



Red Band Trailers

Film Makers

Film Making

The Making Of

Pitch A Movie

Beautiful Boxart

Cinema Porn

DVD Collection

Classic Screen Beauties

Movies Circlejerk

Movie Poster Porn

3 Frame Movies

Movie Mistakes

Movie Quote Puzzle

Cord Cutters

Movie Finder


Acting Porn

I Ruin Movies


revision by girafameia lua de compasso— view source