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Volume 24, Issue 2

Illustration: Joseph Ciardiello

The spring issue of Rethinking Schools (Vol. 24.3) has been mailed out to subscribers. It includes great articles about Howard Zinn, Teach for America, teaching about Haiti, the reauthorization of the NCLB and much more.

Because we are finalizing our switch to a new website, the online version of the spring issue will not be available until the second week of April.

Single copies of the spring issue or subscriptions can be ordered immediately by calling 800-669-4192. If you wish to be notified when the Spring issue is online sign up for the RS e-list using the form below.

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WINTER 2009/10- Reading for Justice
Volume 24, Issue 2

Illustration: David McLimans

Too often, students are taught to see reading in the narrowest sense, as an exercise in putting one word after the next and being ready to parrot back. Real reading is a conversation: We get excited, disgusted, confused, inspired—full of ideas and feelings we want to share. This issue of Rethinking Schools highlights approaches and resources for encouraging students toward deep involvement and critical thinking about literature.

Save the Muslim Girl!
by Özlem Sensoy and Elizabeth Marshall
In the years since 9/11, books like The Breadwinner and Broken Moon have become staples in many English classes. But does this young adult literature about Muslim girls build understanding or reinforce stereotypes?

Baghdad Burning Heats Up World History
By Jody Sokolower
It’s always a struggle to work current events into history classes. A blog by a young Iraqi woman about her day-to-day life in Baghdad provides an opportunity to connect the medieval Abbasid Empire to today’s news.

Editorial: Breaking the Silence on War
By the editors of Rethinking Schools
We are now in the ninth year of the U.S. war in Afghanistan and the seventh year of the current war in Iraq. In classrooms throughout the United States, as in the streets, there is little critical discussion of these events—they have become part of the wallpaper of life. Why has this happened? How can we break the silence?

I Thought This U.S. Place Was Supposed To Be About Freedom”: Young Latinas Engage in Mathematics and Social Change to Save Their School
By Maura Varley Gutiérrez
A 5th-grade math club contributes skills and determination to a community struggle to keep their school open.

Testing Kindergarten: Young Children Produce Data—Lots of Data
By Kelly McMahon
You may not believe how many tests kindergartners take—and what they are missing as a result.

Also in this issue of Rethinking Schools:

Letters to the Editor

Short Stuff

Our picks for books, websites and other resources for social justice educators.

There's a lot more inside this issue.

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Founded in 1986 by activist teachers, Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit, independent publisher of educational materials. We advocate the reform of elementary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and social justice.