Majority support for SNP's anti-Trident call

The SNP is welcoming a Scottish poll this morning which shows that a majority of those who expressed a view are opposed to the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons. The poll question - conducted by Survation and commissioned by the SNP, comes on the day the SNP has secured a debate at Westminster calling for a halt to the £100 billion nuclear programme going ahead, which Scottish Labour have said they will boycott. This comes just a week after 28 Scottish Labour MPs voted for £30 billion more Tory austerity cuts.

The poll asked: "Trident, the UK's submarine-based nuclear weapons system, is located on the River Clyde, and is coming to the end of its operational life. Which of the following statements is closest to your view?":
- I support a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons being based on the River Clyde: 32%
- I oppose a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons being based on the River Clyde: 47%
- Don't Know: 21%

Removing the 'Don't Knows', the findings among those who have an opinion are:
- I support a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons being based on the River Clyde: 40%
- I oppose a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons being based on the River Clyde: 60%

With the 'Don't Knows' removed:
- Opposition to Trident renewal among women is 68 per cent, and 72 per cent among people aged 16-24.
- Among people who voted Labour in the 2010 General Election opposition is 57 per cent; and among people who voted Labour in the 2011 Holyrood election opposition is 58 per cent.
- In Glasgow, opposition is 70 per cent, and 63 per cent in the West of Scotland. And 40 per cent of those who voted No in the independence referendum oppose Trident renewal.

Angus Robertson MP, SNP Westminster Leader and defence spokesperson, commented:

‘’This poll reveals a clear majority who expressed an opinion support the SNP’s position on opposition to the renewal of Trident. It shows a 20-point majority opposed to renewal - with 60 per cent responding they do not want a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons based on the River Clyde. Excluding 'don't knows', that includes a majority of those who voted Labour in the Westminster elections of 2010 and for Holyrood in 2011, and a majority among men but particularly among women and young people. Opposition to Trident renewal extends across every region of Scotland, but most noticeably in Glasgow where 70 per cent are opposed, and in the West of Scotland where 63 per cent are against its renewal.

“It’s no wonder that Labour MPs are today embarrassed by their party’s support for a new generation of weapons of mass destruction – but they should at least have the guts to try to defend their position rather than hiding from debate and hoping the people of Scotland won’t notice. They had no problem last week trooping behind the Tories to vote on £30 billion more austerity cuts – which will hurt communities and families across Scotland for years to come with a policy that is simply not working.  

“That Scottish Labour MPs support wasting another £100bn on weapons of mass destruction while foodbank use is rocketing, and more and more children are being pushed into poverty, is simply indefensible – and with their refusal to debate it’s clear that they know it too.

“Today’s debate will be an opportunity for MPs of all parties to oppose the moral and economic obscenity of Trident renewal. With Labour MPs refusing to show up, it is clearer than ever that only an SNP vote will send a clear message to Westminster that the people of Scotland won’t stand for another generation of nuclear weapons dumped on the Clyde - and we will use our clout in a hung parliament to oppose Trident renewal."


- Survation conducted the poll of Scottish adults aged 16+ from 12-16 January, based on a sample size of 1,006.
- The full results are in the attached table, with two sets of figures including and excluding 'Don't Knows'. Results with ‘Don’t Knows’ excluded appear on page 2.

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