the WHITE HOUSEPresident Barack Obama

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The Vice President in the Middle East

Vice President Biden speaks at at Tel Aviv University and meets leaders in the Middle East.

Yesterday, Vice President Biden spoke at Tel Aviv University in Israel about the partnership between the United States and Israel:

Israel’s unique relationship with the United States means that you need not bear that heavy burden alone.  Our nations’ unbreakable bond borne of common values, interwoven cultures, and mutual interests has spanned the entirety of Israel’s history.  And it’s -- it’s impervious to any shifts in either country and either country’s partisan politics.  No matter what challenges we face, this bond will endure.  As a result, generations of Israelis and Americans and American-Israelis have kept a foot in each country, enriching both our nations and peoples.  I met with some of your leading high-tech leaders earlier, prior to coming to the stage.  And they have a foot in both countries, many of them.

While these close relationships span the realm of commerce and education, medicine and technology, culture and the arts, at its core is an ironclad commitment to security -- Israel and my own country’s.  Every day, Israel faces bravely threats no country should have to endure.  No parent should their child to schools equipped with air raid sirens in the year 2010.  No government should be expected to turn a blind eye while an enemy calls for its destruction.

I am here to remind you, though I hope you will never forget, that America stands with you shoulder-to-shoulder in facing these threats.  President Obama and I represent an unbroken chain of American leaders who have understood this critical, strategic relationship.  As the President said recently, “I will never waver from ensuring Israel’s security and helping them secure themselves in what is a very hostile region."

To watch the full speech, click here.

Earlier this week, the Vice President also spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at Ramallah and with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem.