
With President Obama’s re-election, he has the opportunity to extend his legacy and take on big challenges. Climate change stands high on the list of…

ADVISORY: Press Teleconference on Doha Climate Talks

With the U.S. elections just completed and the Doha climate talks fast appoaching, this is an important moment to consider where progress can be made on international action to address climate change.

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol recently partnered with the UNEP Finance Initiative in a critically important endeav

Following is a statement by Andrew Steer, President, World Resources Institute:

“With his re-election, President Obama has the opportunity to fulfil

Companies and MBAs Test New Sustainability SWOT

At last week’s Net Impact conference, WRI challenged teams of attendees to co

Listening to Hurricane Sandy: Climate Change Is Here

This post originally appeared on

Hurricane Sandy was a massive and deadly storm,…

This week, Hurricane Sandy drew attention to the increasing climate-related risks f

What We Don’t Know About Water Can Hurt Us

This story is part of the “Aqueduct Sneak Peek” series.

Volvo Bus Corporation awards innovation in sustainable transport at event in Bangalore

What’s the Future of the Climate Investment Funds?

The committees governing the $7 billion Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) – the Clean T