Topic: technology

The Open Climate Network (OCN) is an independent, international partnership that tracks and reports on the progress of key countries on climate change. OCN analysis is prepared by partners around the world covering climate finance, mitigation policy, and clean technology.

This analysis provides an assessment of the projected power sector greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions from S.

Innovation can close the gap between the low-carbon technologies of today and the low-cost, high performance technologies the world needs.

Representatives from around the world are gathering in Durban, South Africa to find common ground in the fight against extreme climate change.

This paper offers a strategic framework for policymakers seeking to capitalize on the low-carbon transition.

This brief describes a number of policy tools that can be employed to drive investment in renewable energy technologies and discusses which policy options may be the best fit based on the commercial maturity of a targeted technology.

Ensuring that the opportunities of clean energy are available to the nations that need them most by guiding effective international collaboration on low-carbon technology.

WRI works with businesses, governments, and researchers of all kinds to ensure that technologies to provide low-carbon energy effectively, efficiently, and inexpensively are available and deployed around the world.

WRI works with business, policymakers, and researchers to move the world toward cleaner, less expensive forms of power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make low-carbon energy available everywhere.

Working with nations to achieve the twin goals of robust economic growth and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

On April 7th, a group of 24 Energy Ministers met in Abu Dhabi for the 2nd Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). The group represented the governments of countries collectively responsible for over 80% of global energy consumption, and together they agreed to increase efforts to deploy carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) on a commercial scale worldwide.

WRI seeks to engage the private sector to help solve climate and energy challenges by sharing strategies and solutions with corporate partners and helping businesses capture the competitive advantages offered by a zero-carbon future.

Harnessing innovation and opportunity to develop the business case, tools and metrics that advance corporate climate leadership for a zero-carbon, climate-resilient economy.

WRI’s response to the Bingaman-Murkowski White Paper on the design of a clean energy standard in the United States.