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Chesapeake Bay TMDL

Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs)


The Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) are the roadmap for how the Bay jurisdictions, in partnership with federal and local governments, will achieve the

Chesapeake Bay TMDL allocations. Bay jurisdictions include Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

The TMDL is designed to ensure that all pollution control measures needed to fully restore the Bay and its tidal rivers are in place by 2025. EPA expects practices in place by 2017 to meet 60 percent of the necessary reductions.

There are three phases of WIPs developed by the Bay jurisdictions. Phase I and Phase II WIPs were developed and submitted to EPA in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Both Phase I and Phase II WIPs describe actions and controls to be implemented by 2017 and 2025 to achieve applicable water quality standards. The Phase II WIPs build on the initial Phase I WIPs by providing more specific local actions. Phase III WIPs will be developed by jurisdictions based on a midpoint assessment of progress and scientific analyses that is currently underway through 2017. Phase III WIPs will provide information on actions the Bay jurisdictions intend to implement between 2018 and 2025 to meet the Bay restoration goals.

The table below shows the eight elements that must be addressed in the jurisdictions' WIPs.

Element Description
  1. Interim and Final Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment Target Loads
Interim and final target loads by pollutant source sector within each of the 92 areas draining to Clean Water Act Section 303(d) tidal water segments. The amount and location of loads from individual or aggregate point sources and nonpoint source sectors will also be included.
  1. Current Loading Baseline and Program Capacity
Evaluation of current legal, regulatory, programmatic, financial, staffing, and technical capacity to deliver the target loads established in the TMDL.
  1. Account for Growth
Description of procedures for estimating additional loads due to growth. Information will also be included on additional pollutant load reductions needed to offset the growth and development anticipated in the watershed between 2011 and 2025.
  1. Gap Analysis
Identification of gaps between current capacity (Element 2) and the capacity needed to fully attain the interim and final target loads for the 92 impaired segments (Element 1).
  1. Commitment and Strategy to Fill Gaps
Proposed strategy to systematically fill the gaps identified in Element 4.
  1. Tracking and Reporting Protocols
Description of efforts underway or planned to improve transparent and consistent monitoring, tracking, reporting, and assessment of the effectiveness of implementation actions.
  1. Contingencies for Slow or Incomplete Implementation
Alternative measures resulting in equivalent reductions and an indication of what such contingencies might entail if the proposed strategies in Element 5 are not implemented.
  1. Appendix with Detailed Targets and Schedule

Detailed interim and final load targets for each tidal Bay segment drainage area, source sector, and local area (after November 2011) in an appendix. A reduction schedule comprising the 2-year target loads at the scale of each major basin within a jurisdiction will also be included.

The 2-year target loads allow EPA to assess whether future 2-year milestones are on schedule to meet interim and final water quality goals.

Phase III WIPs

The Chesapeake Bay TMDL calls for an assessment in 2017 to review progress toward meeting the nutrient and sediment pollutant load reductions necessary for Bay restoration. In 2018, EPA expects the jurisdictions to develop Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) following this midpoint assessment of progress in 2017.

This midpoint assessment will measure the Bay jurisdictions' progress towards meeting the 2017 goal of having practices in place to achieve 60 percent of the necessary reductions compared to 2009 levels. The ultimate goal is to have all practices and controls in place by 2025 to achieve the Bay's dissolved oxygen, water clarity/submerged aquatic vegetation and chlorophyll-a standards.

As part of this midpoint assessment, the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership is reviewing the latest science, data, and modeling and decision support tools to measure progress. The intent of this part of the midpoint assessment is to strengthen the CBP partnership's decision support capabilities to optimize the jurisdictions' Phase III WIPs.

The Phase III WIPs will provide information on actions the jurisdictions intend to implement between 2018 and 2025 to meet the Bay TMDL restoration goals.

Jurisdiction Contacts

Please contact one of the jurisdiction staff members below if you have any questions regarding the development of the Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs).

Name Jurisdiction Affiliation Email Address Phone Number
Marcia Fox Delaware Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) marcia.fox@state.de.us 302-739-9939
Diane Davis District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) diane.davis2@dc.gov 202-741-0847
George Onyullo District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) george.onyullo@dc.gov 202-727-6529
Jim George Maryland Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) jim.george@maryland.gov 410-537-3579
Lee Currey Maryland Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) lee.currey@maryland.gov 410-537-3913
Thomas Thornton Maryland Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) thomas.thornton@maryland.gov 410-537-3656
Jackie Lendrum New York New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) jacqueline.lendrum@dec.ny.gov 518-402-8086
Ben Sears New York New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) ben.sears@dec.ny.gov 518-402-8086
Kristen Wolf Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) kwolf@state.pa.us 717-772-1675
Andy Zemba Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) azemba@state.pa.us 717-772-4785
Ted Tesler Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) thtesler@pa.gov 717-772-5621
James Davis-Martin Virginia Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) james.davis-martin@deq.virginia.gov 804-698-4298
Teresa Koon West Virginia West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) teresa.m.koon@wv.gov 304-926-0499 ext. 1020
Dave Montali West Virginia West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) dave.a.montali@wv.gov 304-926-0499 ext. 1063
Alana Hartman West Virginia West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) alana.c.hartman@wv.gov 304-822-7266
Matt Monroe West Virginia West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA) mmonroe@ag.state.wv.us 304-538-2397
Carla Hardy West Virginia West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA) chardy@wvca.us 304-538-7581