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EPA Regional Superfund Community Involvement Contacts

Listed below are toll free numbers for each of EPA’s ten regional offices. The toll free numbers generally only work from the states in the specific region. When you call the toll free number you should ask to speak to someone in the Superfund community involvement program.

Region States Phone
1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

Toll-free line:  1-888-372-7341

Outside Region 1:  617-918-1111

2 New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Toll-free line:  1-877-251-4575

Outside Region 2:  1-800-346-5009

3 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia

Toll-free line:  1-800-438-2474

Outside Region 3:  215-814-5131 (local number direct to community involvement)

4 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

Toll-free line:  1-800-241-1754

Outside Region 4:  404-562-9900

5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin

Toll-free line:  1-800-621-8431

Outside Region 5:  312-353-2000

6 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Toll-free line:  1-800-887-6063

Outside Region 6:  214-665-6444

7 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

Toll-free line:  1-800-223-0425

Outside Region 7:  913-551-7003

8 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming

Toll-free line:  1-800-227-8917

Outside Region 8:  303-312-6312

9 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, U.S. Territories

Toll-free line:  866-372-9378

Outside Region 9:  415-947-8000

10 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

Toll-free line:  1-800-424-4372

Outside Region 10:  206-553-1200