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Enforcement Annual Results Analysis and Trends for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014

Analysis and Trends

The links below show our progress in meeting performance targets and the trends in our enforcement results from fiscal year (FY) 2010 to 2014.

  • Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
    Measure Number GPRA External Performance Measure FY 14 Target FY 14 Actual (rounded)
    409 Number of federal inspections and evaluations 17,000 15,600
    410 Number of civil judicial and administrative enforcement cases initiated 3,200 2,300
    411 Number of civil judicial and administrative enforcement cases concluded 3,000 2,300
    412 Percentage of open consent decrees reviewed for overall compliance status
    418 Percentage of criminal cases having the most significant health, environmental, and deterrence impacts
    420 Percentage of criminal cases with charges filed
    419 Percentage of criminal cases with individual defendants
    421 Percentage of conviction rate for criminal defendants
    400 * Millions of pounds of air pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated through concluded enforcement actions
     450 M lbs
     141 M lbs
    402 * Millions of pounds of water pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated through concluded enforcement actions
     320 M lbs
     337 M lbs
    404 * Millions of pounds of toxic and pesticide pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated through concluded enforcement actions
     3.0 M lbs
     36 M lbs
    405 Millions of pounds of hazardous waste pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated through concluded enforcement actions
     6,500 M lbs
     711 M lbs
    417 Millions of cubic yards of contaminated soil and groundwater media EPA has obtained commitments to clean up as a result of concluded CERCLA and RCRA corrective action enforcement actions.

    225 M cu. yds

     870 M cu. yds.
    285 Percentage of Superfund sites having viable, liable responsible parties other than the federal government where EPA reaches a settlement or takes an enforcement action before starting a remedial action.
    078 Percentage of all Superfund statute of limitations cases addressed at sites with unaddressed total past costs equal to or greater than $500,000.

    * GPRA measures 400, 402, and 404 respectively quantify pollutant releases that are or will be reduced, treated or eliminated to air, water, and land as a result of EPA enforcement actions. Measure 404 includes reductions of pollutant releases to land (e.g., RCRA non-hazardous waste, oil, gasoline, or solvents), as well as reductions in distribution of illegal products, including pesticides and new and existing chemicals.

Civil Enforcement Case Information

Superfund Enforcement

Other Civil Measures

Criminal Enforcement Program

Single Document Containing All Charts and Graphs

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