Stanford Art Spaces
July 13, 2007 to September 13, 2007, Stanford Art Spaces features this exhibit:

Arturo Bolanos
Paintings and Prints
Patricia McClung
Claire Iris Schencke
Mixed Media Paintings

The Will of the Lizard © 2007

DeYoung Blue Lady © 2007

New Orleans Mardi Gras Hopeful © 2007

This exhibit is located on the Stanford University campus, primarily in the Center for Integrated Systems (CIS). The building is open 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. A directory is available at the CIS reception desk.

Most works are for sale directly from the artists. For information, contact M. Grossman, Curator, at (650) 725-3622 or

Arturo Bolanos
The Twilight of the Idols © 2007

My artwork reflects my necessities, both spiritual and terrestrial, to express experiences that fill me with courage and ideas that haunt me. I use elements that are witnesses of the eternal search for the spirituality that has gotten lost in time. The gap is the fluid that fuels the motor, bringing common objects and animals into a magical world of balance and rhythm. I don’t deny the influences of the masters of old; I paraphrase their ideas and techniques. The elements in my images are a mixture of European and Native American symbology. The artwork becomes a half-blooded entity that claims its own space, its own land. Often, the work comes from explorations of my own cultural identity. In addition, I am intrigued by time, transfigurations of the spirit, and different reflections of states of being. Changes and variations within my artwork denote my preoccupation with the search for “one voice”, expressing the true search of an ultimate individuality like that of our personalities: unique and complicated. My work shows the maturity of my concepts, images and techniques. The result does not belong to a style or movement; it is a type of work that lacks a category or current but encompasses them all.

For more art by Arturo Bolanos, click here.

Patricia McClung
Lison - Since Yesterday the City Has Changed © 2011
“It is the very process of looking at something that makes it beautiful.” (David Hockney)

This series of collages grew out of a fascination with multiple views of public spaces in every day urban settings, such as train stations, ferries, airports, museums, and street scenes. Each piece combines-and recombines-elements from several digital photographs, reflecting both movement and time. They explore the serendipity of what speaks to us or catches our eye in a particular place at a given moment, as well as the way in which patterns in the floor, wall, street, ceiling, or architectural frame these scenes and echo in our visual memories. The camera - as well as the subsequent process of using multiple images to recreate each scene and mood - provide insight into what touches us in these shared public spaces, as well as what we individually bring to these experience that contribute to their special-ness, even in the midst of quite ordinary routines.

For more art by Patricia McClung, click here.

Claire Iris Schencke
Hermes Shadow © 2007

My mixed media technique relies on watercolor and gouache for basic movement and flow. I add layers of pastel, ink, and sometimes collage, for texture, light and intensity. The themes reflect my diverse interests: from the intimate appeal of butterflies as seen in my own nectar rich garden on the North Coast of California, to my continued concern with climate change as perceived during aqua alta in Venice and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. My exhibit at Stanford Art Spaces features images from Venice, including Turneresque Nocturnes and Carnival Masks painted on hand tinted paper; New Orleans scenes, depicting Mardi Gras celebration juxtaposed with the post-Katrina devastation; a selection of butterflies and moths, blown up in a Georgia O’Keefe inspired manner; and a set of figures exemplified by “Megan & the Giant Clam”, lightly touched by surrealism.

For more art by Claire Iris Schencke, click here.

Most works are for sale directly from the artists. For information, contact M. Grossman, Curator, at (650) 725-3622 or
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