Research Management Group (RMG)

Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program

**Limited submission funding opportunity for early assistant professors with PI eligibility, academic staff-research (research associates, senior research scientists, senior research scholars), Instructors, Clinical Instructors, and postdoctoral and medical fellows involved in pulmonary, critical care, or sleep medicine. Clinical or basic science departments are suitable; however, it is expected that the proposed research will focus on lung biology or lung disease. The ideal candidate is one with evidence of strong aptitude in research and who is in transition from post-doctoral trainee or Instructor to independent investigator. See eligibility, purpose and appropriate topics sections below.

The 2017 deadline has passed. This webpage is for your reference only.

# of applicants:
Each Stanford department* may submit only two applications annually to the sponsor and is limited to a maximum of three active fellowships at any one time.
A mentor may only sponsor one application annually but may sponsor more than one internal candidate for this internal selection process.


Internal deadline:   Tues.,  Aug. 22, 2017, 5 p.m. (see internal submission guidelines below)
Sponsor deadline: Oct. 16, 2017
Fellowships begin July 1, 2018

Sponsor website:

PBF Fellows

Stanford's most recent fellow is Joe Hsu, Med/Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PBF: 2014-2017)


Amount of funding:

The Parker B. Francis Fellowship provides research support to clinical and basic scientists embarking on careers in clinical, laboratory or translational science related to Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at a U.S. or Canadian university or research institution. The ideal candidate is one with evidence of strong aptitude in research and who is in transition from post-doctoral trainee to independent investigator. It is essential that there be evidence of accomplishment and proficiency in research. Few applicants who are just beginning research training and have only one or two research publications are funded.

Appropriate Topics
A broad array of approaches to pulmonary and critical care medicine, ranging from cell and molecular studies, to those involving epidemiologic and clinical aspects of human subjects are appropriate. We also encourage applications from pulmonary medicine specialists interested in pursuing research in bioethical aspects of pulmonary medicine or critical care. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the ethics of clinical trials in critical care, end-of-life decisions and resource allocation. The context of all these topics should be pulmonary biology and lung disease. Applicants must meet all the eligibility standards. Mentors and/or applicants considering whether a particular area is appropriate are encouraged to discuss potential projects with the Scientific Director of the PBF Fellowship Program, Thomas R. Martin, M.D.


Evaluation Criteria

The appraisal of a PBF Fellowship application is based on consideration of: the qualifications and career trajectory of the candidate; an assessment of the mentor's credentials and the institution as resources for training in research; the scientific merits of the research project proposal. Equal weight is given to each of these three aspects in determining the final priority rating.


Reminder: a mentor may only sponsor one application annually but may sponsor more than one internal candidate for this internal selection process

By Tues., Aug. 22, 2017, 5 p.m., please submit one PDF file containing the following (in the order listed below) via email attachment to:

Jeanne Heschele
Research Management Group

File name: Last name_Parker.pdf

Institutional representatives: you do not have to submit your internal proposals to RMG or OSR for approval. You can submit them directly to Jeanne.

1) Title page
Title of the RFA: Francis Family Foundation Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Title of your proposal:
PI name, title, department, address, phone, email
Mentor name, title, department, address, phone, email

2) Nomination/recommendation letter-addressed to the School of Medicine Awards committee printed on department letterhead prepared by and signed by your mentor and co-signed by your division chief or department chair. The letter should confirm the candidate has at least 75 percent of his/her time available for research. It must also cover the candidate's:

3) Research proposal summary (limit: 2 pages*)
Use Arial 11-point font size, margins of 0.5 inch, and single-line spacing for all text. Illustrations & references not included in the page total.
Projects must relate specifically to the section entitled "Appropriate Topics”.
Project title (should be less than 80 characters)
Statement of the problem
Specific Aims
Experimental Approach
Significance of the results
**this is just a project summary. If selected, you will need to prepare a full proposal of up to 7 pages, etc.

d) PI Biosketch

e) Other Funding (include name of sponsor, amount of funding, term of funding start date to end date)

Selection Process

All Stanford internal proposals will be reviewed by the School of Awards Committee. That committee will select the two applicants to represent each department.


Footer Links: