Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Robert Hsieh

1. Position in the laboratory
Postdoctoral Scholar and Clinical Fellow (Hematology and Oncology)

2. Previous affiliations:
Clinical Fellow, Hematology and Oncology, Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Resident, Internal Medicine, Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Intern, Internal Medicine, Stanford Hospital and Clinics
M.D., The University of Chicago
Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Chicago
B.S. Electrical Engineering and Biological Sciences, Stanford University

3. Current Projects:
RNAi Screen in Primary Breast Cancer Cells to Identify Regulators of Oncogenic Growth

4. Interesting facts and hobbies:
Fan of Stanford Football, Chicago Bears, SF 49'ers and Brazilian Soccer. I keep carnivorous plants at home.

5. Publications:

To C, Hsieh RW, McClellan JS, Howard J, Fischbein N, Brown J, Felsher D and Fan A. Cryptococcal Osteomyelitis and Meningitis in a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patient Treated with PEP-C. BMJ Case Reports. Sep 7 (2012). PMID: 22962380

Hsieh RW, Rajan SS, Sharma SK and Greene GL. Molecular Characterization of a B-ring Unsaturated Estrogen: Implications for Conjugated Equine Estrogen Components of Premarin. Steroids. 73, 59-68 (2008). PMID:17949766

Hsieh RW, Rajan SS, Sharma SK, Guo Y, DeSombre ER, Mrksich M and Greene GL. Identification of Ligands with Bicyclic Scaffolds Provides Insights into Mechanisms of Estrogen Receptor Subtype Selectivity. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281, 17909-17919 (2006). PMID:16648639

Yeo WS, Min DH, Hsieh RW, Greene GL and Mrksich M. Label-Free Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions on Biochips. Angewandte Chemie Intl. Edition. 44, 5480-5483 (2005). PMID:16052641

Sulchek T, Hsieh R, Adams JD, Yaralioglu GG, Minne SC, Quate CF, Cleveland JP, Atalar A and Adderton DM. High Speed Tapping Mode Imaging with Active Q Control for Atomic Force Microscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 76, 1473-1475 (2000).

Sulchek T, Hsieh R, Adams JD, Minne SC, Quate CF and Adderton DM. High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy in Fluid. Review of Scientific Instruments. 71, 2097-2099 (2000).

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