Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Angera Kuo

1. Position in the laboratory
Research Associate

2. Previous affiliations:

3. Current Projects:
Investigate the molecular pathways that are involved in the self-renewal potential of mammary stem cells and breast cancer stem cells.

4. Interesting facts and hobbies:
I have perfect pitch which can be very annoying because whenever I hear music, I would inadvertently start naming the notes in my head. The brass instruments are the only group of instruments that I don't know how to play. At any given time, I would have at least 10 different hot sauces in my fridge or cabinet.

5. Publications:

Feng W, Gentles A, Nair RV, Huang M, Lin Y, Lee CY, Cai S, Scheeren F, Kuo AH, Diehn M (2014) Targeting Unique Metabolic Properties of Breast Tumor Initiating Cells. Stem Cells. In Press.

Kesler CT*, Kuo AH*, Wong HK, Masuck DJ, Shah JL, Kozak KR, Held KD, Padera TP. (2013) Vascular endothelial growth factor-C enhances radiosensitivity of lymphatic endothelial cells. Angiogenesis. Epub Nov 8.
*Equal contribution.

Lee CY, Lin Y, Bratman S, Feng W, Kuo A, Scheeren F, Engreitz JM, Varma S, West R, Diehn M (2014) Neuregulain autocrine signaling promotes self-renewal of breast tumor-initiating cells by triggering HER2/Her3 activation. Cancer Res. 74 (1): 341-52.

Adorno M, Sikandar S, Mitra SS, Kuo A, Di Robilant BN, Haro-Acosta V, Ouadah Y, Quarta M, Rodriquez J, Qian D, Reddy, VM, Cheshire S,  Garner CC, Clarke MF. (2013) Trisomy of Usp16 contributes to stem cell and senescence defects in somatic tissues of Down syndrome mice. Nature. 501 (7467): 380-4.

Kuo AH and Clarke MF (2013) Identifying the metastatic seeds of breast cancer. Nat Biotechnol. 31 (6): 504-5.

Padera TP*, Kuo AH*, Hoshida* T, Liao S, Lobo J, Kozak KR, Fukumura D, Jain RK (2008) Differential response of primary tumor versus lymphatic metastasis to VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 kinase inhibitors cediranib and vandetanib., Mol. Cancer Ther. 7 (8): 2272-2279.
* Equal contribution
            Recommended by Faculty of 1000

Kuo AH,  Stoica GE, Riegel AT, Wellstein A (2007) Recruitment of insulin receptor substrate-1 and activation of NF-kappaB essential for midkine growth signaling through anaplastic lymphoma kinase., Oncogene 26 (6): 859-869.

Tassi E, Henke RT, Bowden ET, Swift MR, Kodack DP, Kuo AH, Maitra A, Wellstein A. (2006) Expression of a fibroblast growth factor-binding protein during the development of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and colon. Cancer Res. 66 (2): 1191-1198.

Stoica GE, Kuo A, Powers C, Bowden ET, Sale EB, Riegel AT, Wellstein A. (2002) Midkine binds to Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) and acts as a growth factor for different cell types. J. Biol. Chem277 (39): 35990-35998.

Stoica GE*, Kuo A*, Aigner A, Sunitha I, Souttou B, Malerczyk C, Caughey DJ, Wen D, Karavanov A, Riegel AT, Wellstein A. (2001) Identification of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase as a receptor for the growth factor pleiotrophin.  J. Biol. Chem. 276 (18): 16772-16779.
            * Equal contribution

Enyedy IJ, Lee SL, Kuo AH, Dickson RB, Lin CY, Wang S. (2001) Structure-based approach to the discovery of bis-benzamidines as novel inhibitors of matriptase. J. Med. Chem. 44: 1349-1355.

Pinkas-Kramarski R, Shelly M, Guarino BC, Wang LM, Lyass L, Alroy I, Alimandi M, Kuo A, Moyer JD, Lavi S, Eisenstein M, Ratzkin BJ, Seger R, Bacus SS, Pierce JH, Andrews GC, Yarden Y.  (1998) ErbB tyrosine kinases and the two neuregulin families constitute a ligand-receptor network. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18 (10): 6090-6101.

Wang LM, Kuo A, Alimandi M, Veri MC, Lee CC, Kapoor V, Ellmore N, Chen X, Pierce JH. (1998) ErbB2 expression increases the spectrum and potency of ligand-mediated signal transduction through ErbB4. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US., 95 (12): 6809-6814.

Shelly M, Pinkas-Kramarski R, Guarino BC, Waterman H, Wang LM, Lyass L, Alimandi M, Kuo A, Bacus SS, Pierce JH, Andrews GC, Yarden Y. (1998) Epiregulin is a potent pan-ErbB ligand that preferentially activates heterodimeric receptor complexes.  J. Biol. Chem. 278 (17): 10496-10505.

Alimandi M, Wang LM, Bottaro D, Lee CC, Kuo A, Frankel M, Fedi P, Tang C, Lippman M, Pierce JH.  (1997) Epidermal growth factor and betacellulin mediate signal transduction through co-expressed ErbB2 and ErbB3 receptors. EMBO J. 16 (18): 5608-5617.

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