Non-News Film, Photography and Video

Stanford is a private university. Stanford’s permission is required for any filming or photography on Stanford-owned lands.

Commercial photography and filming related to the marketing of companies and organizations other than Stanford is prohibited on university-owned lands. Such activities are incompatible with the university’s non-profit status and long-standing policies prohibiting endorsement or the appearance of endorsement.

Stanford University Communications will consider film and photography requests involving, for instance, programs featuring Stanford students, faculty or staff or the creation of television shows, movies, documentaries or educational-related programs, providing the subject matter is related to Stanford.

Non-news related requests should be made in writing at least five business days in advance by emailing Kate Chesley, associate director of University Communications, at

Requests must include the following information:

  • Name and description of the organization or individual making the request.
  • Name, office and email address of the Stanford University individual or organization involved in the filming or photography.
  • Project description, including the context and way in which Stanford is to be portrayed and the intended use of the resulting material.
  • Date(s) requested.
  • Time and duration of proposed shoot.
  • Specific site(s) requested. (Requests absent specific locations will not be considered. Filming in the Main Quadrangle and Memorial Court is prohibited.)
  • Number of people and amount and type of equipment involved, including vehicles.
  • Potential disruption (sound, light, physical, etc.) of university activities.
  • Proof of adequate insurance coverage and indemnity. (Certificates of liability insurance should name the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305)
  • Location releases, if necessary, must be submitted for review by the university in advance.

Additional policies

  • The use of drones for filming or photography is prohibited without prior approval and proof of FAA certification.
  • Use of Stanford’s name, other trademarks and emblems, or images in connection with any photograph or film is prohibited without written permission by the university. For more information, see the web page describing Name use, seal or logo request.
  • Indoor shooting at Stanford is prohibited without permission because it is considered inherently disruptive. Filming in the residence halls, dining halls and classroom buildings is prohibited.
  • Photography or filming in the Main Quad or Memorial Court, except by Stanford departments and organizations that have been granted permission, is expressly prohibited. Stanford departments and organizations may film or do photography on the Main Quad and in Memorial Court providing 1) they have requested and received permission and 2) the work is Stanford related and does not interfere with university operations.
  • Filming or photography on Stanford lands for academic purposes is limited only to Stanford University students, staff and faculty and others attending Stanford academic programs, Stanford sponsored programs and other programs that occur on Stanford’s campus and for which photography is part of the program. The resulting films and photographs may not be used for commercial purposes.
  • All professional filmmakers and photographers working on the Stanford campus are expected to carry credentials and to have appropriate insurance.
  • Filming of b-roll, especially of the Main Quadrangle and other iconic areas of the university, is prohibited at Stanford without permission for privacy reasons. Members of the media and other may request directions to download high-quality, university-produced b-roll of the Main Quadrangle and other iconic areas.
  • Members of the University Communications staff are not available to scout locations.