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Stanford University Event Sponsorship Policy

Criteria in Brief

To successfully qualify as a University event and be held on campus, the proposing sponsor must:

  1. Be an officially recognized Stanford University organization - not an individual or an outside-unaffiliated organization wishing to utilize campus space.
  2. Ensure the event supports the overall educational mission and image of Stanford University.
  3. Ensure the event is directly related to the sponsoring organization's academic mission, strategic goals, and demonstrates educational access and benefits to the overall Stanford community.
  4. Provide faculty involvement and confirm a direct role in determining the educational content of the event.
  5. Be willing to assume all financial responsibility for event-related costs, risks and damages.
  6. Confirm that event approval and available funding from the Stanford organization's Chair or Dean has been secured.
  7. Be aware of the physical impact to the campus (parking, traffic, staffing, etc.).
  8. Ensure reasonable consideration is given and every effort is made to produce a sustainable “green” event.
  9. Fees charged through registration or tickets distributed, must be arranged through a Stanford University compliant ticketing and/or registration service department, such as the Stanford Ticket Office.
  10. Be responsible for the actual logistical planning and execution of the event and be present during the event as its main point of contact.
  11. Fundraising activities where any proceeds or donations benefit any non-Stanford, unaffiliated organization before or during the campus event is prohibited.
    • If you are an officially registered Stanford student group wishing to sponsor an event, please contact Student Activities & Leadership (SAL) for further information regarding the fundraising policy.
  12. Security/Safety requirements for Visiting Dignitaries, Controversial or other High Profile events:
    1. The proposing sponsor must notify the Office of Special Events & Protocol and the Stanford Department of Public Safety.
    2. Review with these departments any additional requirements regarding special arrangements and identify any other risk management concerns.
    3. The sponsor must agree to assume all financial costs associated with any required/identified security arrangements necessary for an approved event.
    4. In certain cases, further review may also be required by the Stanford Risk Management Department.
  13. Any other questions or concerns not mentioned above regarding the proposed event should be reviewed early in the process with the Office of Special Events & Protocol before proceeding with the planning process, particularly when it consists of a large, high profile event.

For Further Information Contact:

Office of Special Events & Protocol of Public Affairs
Phone: 650-724-1387
Fax: 650-723-8231

Event Planning Resources at Stanford

If the sponsoring organization finds it does not have adequate resources (once the sponsorship and the proposed event has received dept. chair approval and appropriate funding has been secured), we as a service to the University provide event planning expertise in risk management, liability, security, ticketing, registration, and other resource services, as well as direct management and production of events on behalf of the Stanford sponsoring organization.

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