Systems Optimization Laboratory
Stanford, CA 94305-4121 USA
In Memory of George Dantzig
We list some articles written in memory of
Professor George B. Dantzig, founder of SOL.
- Walter Murray,
George Dantzig: A personal perspective,
SIAG/OPT View-and-News 16(1-2), 1-3 (2005).
- Michael Todd,
Leonid Khachiyan, 1952-2005: An appreciation,
ibidem, 4-6.
- P. E. Gill, W. Murray, M. A. Saunders, J. A. Tomlin, and M. H. Wright,
George B. Dantzig and systems optimization,
Jan 2007, published in
Discrete Optimization 5(2), 151-158 (2008).
- Richard Cottle, Ellis Johnson, and Roger Wets,
George B. Dantzig (1914-2005),
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 54(3), 344-362 (2007).