Pay During Sabbatical Leave

Information and links on this page are limited to Stanford pay during sabbatical leave. For complete information on sabbaticals, including definitions, policy, procedures, and more, see Section 3 of the Faculty Handbook.

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Compensation During Sabbatical Leave

Compensation associated with a sabbatical leave is intended to make it financially possible for a faculty member to carry out his or her leave program. Projected outside earnings may be taken into account in the decision to grant sabbatical leave and in setting the percentage of salary to be received from the University. Total compensation during a sabbatical leave should not normally exceed the faculty member's full-time Stanford base salary for the leave period.

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Calculating Sabbatical Leave Duration and Rate of Pay

The usual minimum length of sabbatical is one quarter or semester at 50% salary, or 2 months at 100% salary. The maximum length of sabbatical leave is one year, without regard to rate of pay.

See Tables 1-3 at the end of Section 3 of the Faculty Handbook to determine leave eligibility and rate of pay during leave.

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Requesting Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave is granted by the school Dean following approval of a leave request proposal by the department Chair. In the case of joint appointments, sabbatical leaves must be approved by both departments and schools.

If the individual expects to receive income during the sabbatical period to supplement his or her sabbatical salary, a description of the activities generating such income, and the anticipated amounts should be included on the Faculty Application Form for Leave of Absence (except for consulting activities performed in accordance with Stanford's consulting policy). Substantial changes in leave plans or supplemental income require approval by the department Chair and Dean.

For complete information on Sabbatical Leaves, see Section 3 of the Faculty Handbook.

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