Authorizing Travel for Others

When you authorize travel for students or post doctoral students to attend, speak or present at a conference or meeting, or visit a field site or off-campus laboratory, certain documentation is required when requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred. Reimbursement payments will be tax-reportable UNLESS one of the following two documents is included with the reimbursement request:

  1. A signed statement from a faculty member certifying that the travel / activity either

    1. directly supports a faculty project, research or scholarship program,
    2. is to officially represent Stanford University,
    3. is an integral part of the student's degree work or is directly related to the student's employment at the University,

    4. ~ OR ~
    5. is official University business

    See Certification for Student Travel Form.

  2. A photocopy of the conference program indicating traveler is a speaker or presenter

See also the Policy Notes: Required Documentation for Travel Expense Reimbursement page in the Staff section (Primary Policy Source: Administrative Guide Policy 5.4.2 Section 11).

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For complete information on Travel at Stanford, including overviews, quick steps, policy, resources and job aids, forms, and related training, see:

  • Travel in the Staff section of this web site.
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