Fingate Buying and Paying > Expense Requests > How To... > Interpret Transaction Numbers and Status Codes

How To:  Interpret Transaction Numbers and Status Codes

Interpret Transaction Numbers

Expense Requests transactions are assigned a transaction number by the system when new transactions are created. Transaction Numbers start with a prefix indicating the type of transaction:

Transaction Number Prefix Transaction Type
ADV Advance Request
ER Expense Report for SU Payee
PR Non-PO Payment Request
VR Expense Report for Non-SU Payee (Visitor Reimbursement)
PC Petty Cash Replenishment Request

Interpret Status Codes

Transactions can be tracked on the Expense Requests Home page using Statuses. See the tables below to interpret statuses found in the Status column.

See How To: Handle Rejected / Returned Transactions for help with Workflow Notifications generated when transactions are returned or rejected by Approvers or the Travel and Reimbursement Department.

Expand / Collapse All

click to show more/lessTransactions to Complete

All "saved, in progress, withdrawn, rejected, or returned" expense reports are shown in the Transactions to Complete table.

click to show more/lessSubmitted Transactions

The Submitted Transactions table displays your transactions that have been submitted for approval, and are either outstanding or have been paid in the last 30 days.


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