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How To:  Search for Expense Request Transactions

Before You Start

The Search tab, located in the upper left in the Expense Requests system, allows a search for previously submitted Expense Request or iOU transactions. You can search for Expense Requests transactions or historical iOU transactions, but not transactions from both systems at once.

Transaction number is the fastest way to search for the a specific transaction. If you don't have the transaction number, a combination of search criteria can be used. When searching Expense Requests or iOU transactions, certain search criteria may require that you specify a date range up to six months in duration. Note that some search criteria do not require a date range, and therefore return all results, regardless of transaction date.

Transactions that match all the entered search criteria will be displayed. If you have sufficient privilege, you can then access transaction and payment details, withdraw from the approval workflow, or copy to begin a new transaction.

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