Fingate Buying and Paying > Expense Requests > Archived News

Archived News

Date Title

In response to user inquiries...

  • Splitting Allocations
  • Withdrawing Transactions
  • Tipping Policy
  • Returned / Rejected Transactions

More User-driven Enhancements!

  • Payment status field added to Full View Page
  • "Preparer Notes" added for Travel Card Transactions
  • Stanford Emeritus affiliates available as SU payees

User Feedback Drives Enhancements

  • Search Date Range Now 6 Months
  • New Tool Maps Expenditure Types
  • Help for Updating Supplier/Payee Records

Supplier / Payee Set-up & Submission of Secure Data

Foreign Visitor Payments

Human Subject Payments and Incentives

Returned / Rejected Transaction: What Then?

More FAQs!


Post-Launch Update

Tax and Tip Allocation for Meals with Alcohol

Applying Expenditure Types

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

For Approvers

2015-02-03 Resources to Get You Through the Change and Beyond!
2015-01-28 The Story on Authority (and Access!)
2015-01-22 Significant Change to Supplier / Payee Set Up
2015-01-15 Workflow Notifications Essential
2015-01-08 Important Deadlines for iOU Retirement
2014-12-16 Simplified Policy and Expense Reporting
2014-12-09 Online Training in January
2014-11-18 Information Sessions
2014-09-25 Launch Schedule
2014-09-02 Why the Change?

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