Fingate Buying and Paying > iProcurement - SmartMart > Contacts


Technical Assistance

Submit a HelpSU ticket if you are having a technical issue with SmartMart or iProcurement.

Training Enrollment Assistance

Contact the Financial Management Services Training Specialist for STARS assistance (e.g., course enrollment, completions, or training records) or if you have a training-related question.

Department Assistance

Contact the Training Specialist to explore how your department can best utilize SmartMart.

Email Cheryl Penn or call 1-650-736-8633.

For immediate help, contact the Financial Support Center (3-2772).

SmartMart Product Assistance

Contact SmartMart suppliers with questions about products, availability, or returns. Orders should be placed through SmartMart.

See the list of SmartMart Supplier Contacts and Shipping and Return Information.


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