How To: Review Timecards for Part-Time Non-Exempt Salaried Employee

Who does this?  Time & Leave Administrators and Supervisors

When?  One or more of your part-time non-exempt salaried employees has over- or under-reported hours based on their regular standard hours during a particular week BEFORE the timecard approval deadline. (See How To: Adjust Paid Time in Axess Timecard to adjust the discrepancies in previous pay periods)

How?  Review the timecards for these employees one week at a time, starting from a Monday, to ensure that these employees are paid accurately using Axess Timecard.

Note:  A thorough review is required if the employee has not been reporting time accurately for previous weeks as well. A great starting point for this review would be running the Timecard Detail report in Business Intelligence (BI).


Review Timecards for Part-Time Non-Exempt Salaried Employee (5 steps)

step 1

Log in to Stanford's Axess web site:

  1. Click
  2. Click Login.
  3. Enter your SUNet ID and password as prompted.
Note:  You can also launch Axess Timecard from the application drop down list in the right hand section of this web site.
step 2

Retrieve the specific employee's timecard:

  1. Select Employee Center tab (page defaults for most employees when you first log in to Axess).
  2. Click Review and Approve Timecards link (found in the Time section on the left of the page).
  3. Enter the employee's Employee ID Number in the EmplID field,

    ~ OR ~

    Enter paygroup code NX in the Paygroup field, if you want to review all of your Non-Exempt employees.

  4. Click Get Employees button.
  5. Click on the employee's name for the timecard that you would like to review and adjust.
step 3

Review the employee's original timecard:

  1. Select Week from View By: drop-down menu.
  2. Click the calendar icon next to the Date field.
  3. Select the Monday of the week you are reviewing.

  4. Note:  If the time period starts with a work week that began in the previous pay period, you will have to start your review from the previous Monday.

  5. Compare the number of Standard Hours to the payable time (salary + leave hours) in the Payble Time Summary listed on bottom of the timecard.
step 4

Adjust for differences:

When Payable time (salary + leave hours) is greater than the Standard Hours:

  1. Click the + button on the right correlating to the day when the additional hours were incurred to add a new row.
  2. Calculate the starting time of when the additional hours were incurred and move that punch time into the second IN field of the newly expanded row.
  3. Enter the work end time in the second OUT field in the new row.
  4. Select Straight Time – SOT from the Time Reporting Code drop-down menu.
  5. Click Submit

  6. Note:  This will prompt the system to pay these hours in addition to the employee's regular salary. The system will also automatically calculate daily overtime (over 8) and weekly overtime (over 40), even if hours are marked as Straight Time (SOT).

When Payable time (salary + leave hours) is less than the Standard Hours:

  1. Click the + button on the right correlating to the day when the reduced hours were incurred to add a new row.
  2. Select appropriate leave type (i.e., vacation, PTO, leave without pay) from the Time Reporting Code drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the differences between the reported time and the Standard daily in the Hours field of the newly expanded row.
  4. Click Submit

Repeat as needed until payable time (salary + leave) hours equal weekly Standard Hours.

step 5

Review and approve entries:

  1. Check if the additional entries in the Payable Time Summary section have been populated correctly.
  2. Click Approve at the bottom of the screen. Your approval will be captured in an audit table.
  3. Continue to review and adjust the rest of the weeks that fall within this pay period.

  4. Note:  If you have multiple entries returned in your employee search result, once you have navigated to an employee's timecard, you can navigate to timecards for your other employees by clicking Next Employee and Previous Employee links.
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